I need to replace the fuel filter on my Ford Escort. Ive done this before on my 92 Geo Tracker. I know how to do
it as in taking off the 2 clamps and hose and putting it back on, however am I supposed to relieve the fuel pressure I know to unscrew the gas cap but I didn't do anything further on my Geo. If it is nessacary to relive pressure how do I do it?How to replace a fuel filter on a 99 Ford Escorton the engine is a small stem looks like a tire valve stem on the fuel rail. it has a cap on it like a valve stem and inside is a pin that pushes down , yep like a valve stem, go figure right? so any way this will release the presure. next you need a tool they sell at auto parts stores i would advise you ask the parts person to e
xplain the use of it because its a bit tough to explain in writing.How to replace a fuel filter on a 99 Ford EscortI take it you don't have the owner manual.
I would go to the local auto parts store and look in the Ford book for your car. Or maybe one of the guys there can help you. You might get incorrect info on here.
Not to put anyone down or anything.
When I need to work on my car, I go directly to the source. That way I cannot get mad at one of my friends for trying to help with wrong info.
Good luck
How big for a toddler quiltfish
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