Monday, October 24, 2011
How do you change a fuel filter on a 93 honda civic?
I want to change it myself it doesn't look so hard but does the tank need to be empty and am i just able to change the filter just by replacing it.How do you change a fuel filter on a 93 honda civic?no the tank does not need to be emptied. but it does need to be depressurize the system by taking off the gas cap. thats it, grab your tools and replace the filter, some rags may be helpfull, some fuel is gonna spill, make sure u put new o-ring washers supplied with the new filter in place.How do you change a fuel filter on a 93 honda civic?I had a '94 EX V-Tech, loved the tank does not have to be empty and you should be able to install it really easily, and when you change the filter, that's it! You're done!channel microsoft web hosting
Does anybody know how to change the fuel filter on a Lexus es300?
My friend said that it was easy and i didnt want to waste my money by going to a dealer to get it changedDoes anybody know how to change the fuel filter on a Lexus es300?Replacement procedure is simple. Put a rag over it, and open the bolts %26amp; take out the filter. The put new filter in and torque down the bolts. I can usually do it in less than 30 minutes. As a beginner, it will take 1 hour or more.Does anybody know how to change the fuel filter on a Lexus es300?If you can afford an overrated Toyota, you can afford to take it to the dealer for an oil change. If you can not pay for the maintenance, you should not bought it ;-)Does anybody know how to change the fuel filter on a Lexus es300?it is called life time filter because you are supposed to leave it in the car for 100K or more. If you have anything you leave in for 100K in the car, taking out would be difficult. You are going need a breaker bar that is least 18%26quot; long with good quality socket to open the bolt. Taking it to a mechanic isn't a bad idea.
Replacement procedure is simple. Put a rag over it, and open the bolts %26amp; take out the filter. The put new filter in and torque down the bolts. I can usually do it in less than 30 minutes. As a beginner, it will take 1 hour or more.
Replacement procedure is simple. Put a rag over it, and open the bolts %26amp; take out the filter. The put new filter in and torque down the bolts. I can usually do it in less than 30 minutes. As a beginner, it will take 1 hour or more.
98 escort i need to find a online guide on how to replace the fuel filter?
i need to find the type i need and a guide of how to change it. its a 98 escort wagon ses 4 cyl98 escort i need to find a online guide on how to replace the fuel filter?i think i can walk you through it - under the hood, pull the air cleaner tube that runs to your intake. you will then be able to see the fuel lines coming up to the fuel rail. follow the line down (this is on the right hand side if you are facing the car) you filter should be there. its held in place by a loop bracket and all you need to do is loosen it. now with a flat screw driver take apart the keeper that is on the top of the filter - this is the hard part - the keeper fits into two holes in the fuel line and wraps around the filter lead in and lead out - it looks like a U and you need to fit the screwdriver in the bottom part of the U and pry it out. dont worry about breaking it cause the new filter should come with 2 new ones. the top one is easy but the bottom is hard to get at. once pulled out the lines can be pulled free - put in the new filter (makeing sure its the right way) and push the lines back on as far as they will go and repplace the 2 keepers.98 escort i need to find a online guide on how to replace the fuel filter?It should be a Ford FG 800 fuel filter, and how to change it is very simple.
Depressurize the system by depressing the schraeder valve on the fuel rail on the top of the intake, on the passenger side of the engine.
Loosen the fuel filter bracket clamp bolt.
Remove the fuel line clips by using a small flat blade screw driver prying the plastic clips out and disconnect the fuel lines.
Remove the fuel filter from the bracket.
Install the new plastic clips into the lines before you reinstall onto the filter. The lines just push onto the filter and snap onto place.98 escort i need to find a online guide on how to replace the fuel filter?Check out the web-page below.
I think that this web site also gives you a diagram as to where it goes. If not ? Try the Ford website for information.
Hope this has helped?
Depressurize the system by depressing the schraeder valve on the fuel rail on the top of the intake, on the passenger side of the engine.
Loosen the fuel filter bracket clamp bolt.
Remove the fuel line clips by using a small flat blade screw driver prying the plastic clips out and disconnect the fuel lines.
Remove the fuel filter from the bracket.
Install the new plastic clips into the lines before you reinstall onto the filter. The lines just push onto the filter and snap onto place.98 escort i need to find a online guide on how to replace the fuel filter?Check out the web-page below.
I think that this web site also gives you a diagram as to where it goes. If not ? Try the Ford website for information.
Hope this has helped?
How do you know if you need to get a new fuel filter or fuel pump for your car?
Start with the cheapest, change the filter, which needs to be done anyway. If that doesn't fix it then it could be the pump. A code will generally appear that will tell a shop if the pump could be bad. Is it a Chevrolet product?How do you know if you need to get a new fuel filter or fuel pump for your car?fuel filters should be changed at approx 30-40k they collect water from your fuel so its always a good idea to change them on time.
fuel pumps can last for 100000k plus so only change when a fault appears.How do you know if you need to get a new fuel filter or fuel pump for your car?I take it that you are having an issue with fuel distribution to your engine. Most fuel filters get replaced around 60K in miles but depending on your conditions (dust, mud, rain) you may need to replace it sooner. When it comes to fuel pumps on injector engines they either work or don't at all. Try replacing the filter it will not cost much and will help you diagnose the issue.How do you know if you need to get a new fuel filter or fuel pump for your car?If your car hasn;t had a new fuel filter put on it I would recomment it anyhow. but the best way to see if your pump is working without all the fancy tools is to have someone help you. you will need to lay under your car near your fuel tank and listen for a hum. Have your help turn the ignition to the ON position you should hear th pump kick in for roughly 10 seconds. If you can;t hear your pump come on then I would recomend having your car looked at by a mechanic who can test the fuel pressure with a gage.How do you know if you need to get a new fuel filter or fuel pump for your car?well, when your car is not getting gas, the filter is the first place to try. if after you change the filter and it still dont start, check the pump fuse, then run a test on the pump.
fuel pumps can last for 100000k plus so only change when a fault appears.How do you know if you need to get a new fuel filter or fuel pump for your car?I take it that you are having an issue with fuel distribution to your engine. Most fuel filters get replaced around 60K in miles but depending on your conditions (dust, mud, rain) you may need to replace it sooner. When it comes to fuel pumps on injector engines they either work or don't at all. Try replacing the filter it will not cost much and will help you diagnose the issue.How do you know if you need to get a new fuel filter or fuel pump for your car?If your car hasn;t had a new fuel filter put on it I would recomment it anyhow. but the best way to see if your pump is working without all the fancy tools is to have someone help you. you will need to lay under your car near your fuel tank and listen for a hum. Have your help turn the ignition to the ON position you should hear th pump kick in for roughly 10 seconds. If you can;t hear your pump come on then I would recomend having your car looked at by a mechanic who can test the fuel pressure with a gage.How do you know if you need to get a new fuel filter or fuel pump for your car?well, when your car is not getting gas, the filter is the first place to try. if after you change the filter and it still dont start, check the pump fuse, then run a test on the pump.
How do i change the fuel filter on my Yanmar 2gm engine?
i have an old Yanmar engine (not sure what year) on my sailboat. I want to change the fuel filter but i am not sure how. i heard you have to %26quot;bleed%26quot; the fuel lines after changing the filter. how do i change the filter and if i have to bleed the lines how do i do it. and do i have to have diesel on hand while changing the filter......thanksHow do i change the fuel filter on my Yanmar 2gm engine?Changing the primary filter will not require bleeding simply fill and reinstall. Do the same with the secondary filter and prime by utilizing the manual pump. That should do it.
Replacing a fuel filter on a 1987 Oldsmobile Calais?
I need to replace a fuel filter on my 1987 Oldsmobile Calais. Can someone explain how to fix it??? It's a $7.00 part...if I can do it myself, please help!!!Replacing a fuel filter on a 1987 Oldsmobile Calais?Go to the website below. Click on the blue ARRC pic and navigate to your make and model.Replacing a fuel filter on a 1987 Oldsmobile Calais?just ask the guys at the auto parts storeprogramming medical doctor at home
How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a 2000 Mustang?
It has two connectors that you can buy or rent a special tool from Auto parts store and it pushes the connectors together and pops off. Confusious say like chineese finger trap. %26quot;the more you pull the less you get, like import, front wheel drive pull car, get nowhere. rear wheel car push get far fast.%26quot;
true quoteHow hard is it to change a fuel filter on a 2000 Mustang?A 2000? You're doomed.How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a 2000 Mustang?easy. just 2 hose clamps. might be located in a rough spot though. should be easy, just follow your fuel line.How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a 2000 Mustang?there is a special tool to disconnect the fuel lines,you can get one at a parts store,but other than that its easy,jack the car up on the left side and it shoud be on the frame area.most fords use the same tool to replace the fuel goes around the fuel line and then push it in to release the lock on the line then pull the line back to remove install just push line back on till it clicks,no tooling needed for that,hope this helps.
true quoteHow hard is it to change a fuel filter on a 2000 Mustang?A 2000? You're doomed.How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a 2000 Mustang?easy. just 2 hose clamps. might be located in a rough spot though. should be easy, just follow your fuel line.How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a 2000 Mustang?there is a special tool to disconnect the fuel lines,you can get one at a parts store,but other than that its easy,jack the car up on the left side and it shoud be on the frame area.most fords use the same tool to replace the fuel goes around the fuel line and then push it in to release the lock on the line then pull the line back to remove install just push line back on till it clicks,no tooling needed for that,hope this helps.
How do I drain the fuel filter in a mercedes 350sdl (turbo diesel) ?
I think I have a problem with water in my diesel fuel. I want to drain the fuel filter because there way be water in there. Where is this under the hood?
I have this weird problem where my car sometimes shuts off completely while im at a red light (stopped). The radio stays on but the engine turns off. My idle speed is fine, and I'm almost positive its a fuel supply problem, and someone suggested to me it could be water deposits in the fuel.
I got this stuff called ISO-HEET that you put into your tank before a fill up, it is supposed to break up water and allow it to leave the tank. Anyone used this stuff?
Some people have told me not to use additives in mercedes but I did not see this anywhere in the manual, and it seems like if it does what it says, it would help a lot.
I also got this diesel kleen +cetane boost stuff - anyone used this?
but back to the main question, how do i drain the diesel fuel filter?
thanksHow do I drain the fuel filter in a mercedes 350sdl (turbo diesel) ?some shorted wire is leaving the injection pump without electrical juice in the solenoid of the injection pump
or You have to rise the idle RPM.
the other thing You have to look for is for air restricctions in the air intake manifold.
NOR STARTING FLUID. or additives.
I have this weird problem where my car sometimes shuts off completely while im at a red light (stopped). The radio stays on but the engine turns off. My idle speed is fine, and I'm almost positive its a fuel supply problem, and someone suggested to me it could be water deposits in the fuel.
I got this stuff called ISO-HEET that you put into your tank before a fill up, it is supposed to break up water and allow it to leave the tank. Anyone used this stuff?
Some people have told me not to use additives in mercedes but I did not see this anywhere in the manual, and it seems like if it does what it says, it would help a lot.
I also got this diesel kleen +cetane boost stuff - anyone used this?
but back to the main question, how do i drain the diesel fuel filter?
thanksHow do I drain the fuel filter in a mercedes 350sdl (turbo diesel) ?some shorted wire is leaving the injection pump without electrical juice in the solenoid of the injection pump
or You have to rise the idle RPM.
the other thing You have to look for is for air restricctions in the air intake manifold.
NOR STARTING FLUID. or additives.
Whats the best way to get the hoses/clamps off a fuel filter for a 93 cougar? it runs and dies alot?
its got these clips but i cant pull off the hose, i dont want to wreck something by pulling too hard. do these clips need to come off completely and how much force is needed to get the hose off the filterWhats the best way to get the hoses/clamps off a fuel filter for a 93 cougar? it runs and dies alot?If it's never been change or it's been a long time it will really be a ***** to get off. Also the clamps may be push pull type try and google it something is bound to come up. If someone replaced the clamps with the basic screw type than the hose is just frozen and need some elbow grease to get it loose.. try drinking more beer that usually helps!!Whats the best way to get the hoses/clamps off a fuel filter for a 93 cougar? it runs and dies alot?they are the quick disconnect need a special tool
1994 nissan sentra.. how do i change the fuel filter? and when is the fuel filter located?
its my girlfriends car and i dont wanna **** it up so could someone please tell me exactly where the fuel filter is and how to change it??? thank you1994 nissan sentra.. how do i change the fuel filter? and when is the fuel filter located?Auto Zone and Pep Boys will sell you the part and I believe they will also print out the step by step instructions on the how to. If not, invest in a Haynes or Chilton manual for this car. It will be invaluable in the future.
I have a 19860 oldsmobile ninety-eight and i wonna know if its hard to change a fuel filter and how long do it
takes.I have a 19860 oldsmobile ninety-eight and i wonna know if its hard to change a fuel filter and how long do itit's not hard unless everything is rusty. average 10 minutes to an hour if rust is a big problem.I have a 19860 oldsmobile ninety-eight and i wonna know if its hard to change a fuel filter and how long do itVery's located just ahead of the rear tire on the drivers side under the car. You may need line wrenches to get a good grip on the filter, or if you gett'r done the redneck way......vise grips will work.I have a 19860 oldsmobile ninety-eight and i wonna know if its hard to change a fuel filter and how long do itThe filter is probably in line on the driver side of the car. It shouldnt take more then an hour or so. GM cars have a special fuel line wrench, but you can generally do the filter without one. Make sure you check first.I have a 19860 oldsmobile ninety-eight and i wonna know if its hard to change a fuel filter and how long do itDepends
Down here in Fl away from the %26quot;rust belt' it takes about 20 miutes-its located under the car, back by the tank or just ahead of the left front tire. Takes a lot longer if it hasn't been changed in a while, or if the lines are rusted.get time from datetime fight man for control of
Down here in Fl away from the %26quot;rust belt' it takes about 20 miutes-its located under the car, back by the tank or just ahead of the left front tire. Takes a lot longer if it hasn't been changed in a while, or if the lines are rusted.
How to disconnect (engine side) fuel filter on 2002 tahoe?
There is a plastic fuel line tool you can buy at almost any autp parts store. It slips over the line and pops the quick connect loose.How to disconnect (engine side) fuel filter on 2002 tahoe?you can go to your local auto parts a by the special line wrench's for that job i just did mine its very simple to do the wrenches that y get push in each end of filter to release the line locks
How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a '92 GrandAm?
I'm pretty handy, should I try it?How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a '92 GrandAm?It can be a little tricky if you're not familiar with how to dis-connect the Quick-Connect fittings;
Other than that, you'll need some ramps to drive the rear end up on. And it's a lot less messy if you relieve the fuel system pressure. Click the link on that same page for the type of fuel system you have (probably Multi-Port, unless you have the %26quot;Iron Duke%26quot; 2.5L), then %26quot;Relieving Fuel System Pressure%26quot;. Even then, some safety goggles aren't a bad idea. Gasoline in the eyes stings pretty good. LOLHow hard is it to change a fuel filter on a '92 GrandAm?on a scale from 1 - 10 i give that one a 2, but i do them every day. as long as it is a threaded line on both sides you should have no problem but if it is a quick release type (which i do not think that it should be) that can get tricky.How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a '92 GrandAm?if your pretty handy go for it.just make sure you use the correct size wrenches.spray lines with WD40 or some type of penetrating spray
first.also inspect the line oring for damageHow hard is it to change a fuel filter on a '92 GrandAm?A little less hard than on a 95 Le Sabre
Other than that, you'll need some ramps to drive the rear end up on. And it's a lot less messy if you relieve the fuel system pressure. Click the link on that same page for the type of fuel system you have (probably Multi-Port, unless you have the %26quot;Iron Duke%26quot; 2.5L), then %26quot;Relieving Fuel System Pressure%26quot;. Even then, some safety goggles aren't a bad idea. Gasoline in the eyes stings pretty good. LOLHow hard is it to change a fuel filter on a '92 GrandAm?on a scale from 1 - 10 i give that one a 2, but i do them every day. as long as it is a threaded line on both sides you should have no problem but if it is a quick release type (which i do not think that it should be) that can get tricky.How hard is it to change a fuel filter on a '92 GrandAm?if your pretty handy go for it.just make sure you use the correct size wrenches.spray lines with WD40 or some type of penetrating spray
first.also inspect the line oring for damageHow hard is it to change a fuel filter on a '92 GrandAm?A little less hard than on a 95 Le Sabre
How do you remove the fuel filter from a ford expedition '99/'00 (the tips)?
I can't get the tips from the fuel filter to come out. Do I just pull them out or is the a certain way to do it?How do you remove the fuel filter from a ford expedition '99/'00 (the tips)?You need a fuel line disconnect tool. The metal version looks like scissors and has to small barrels on each end that you slide into the joint and it releases the clips inside. You should be able to find it locally at most parts stores, but I wanted you to have a visual aid It looks like this. You can get the separate plastic line disconnects as well, but they usually break quite easily. You will not break these. I hope this helps. do you remove the fuel filter from a ford expedition '99/'00 (the tips)?Just kick it the whole thing will fall apart. do you remove the fuel filter from a ford expedition '99/'00 (the tips)?Just kick it the whole thing will fall apart.
How do I locate or replace 1986 GMC Vandura Fuel Filter?
I don't know much about cars so please bear with me. My van won't start unless i pour gas down the carb...but then it dies as soon as the fuel is burned.
I was told that it could be a simple as a clogged fuel filter. I want to try and change it, but I don't know where it is.
Can someone please explain where it's located? Any tips on how to change it or if you have any other ideas what could be wrong with the van would be great!
Thanks alot!How do I locate or replace 1986 GMC Vandura Fuel Filter?The fuel line is detected at the front of the carburetor and is about 1/4%26quot; in diamater.The fuel filter is inside the carburetor housing when the fuel line is unscrewed.How do I locate or replace 1986 GMC Vandura Fuel Filter?the filter is right where the fuel line goes into the carb
I was told that it could be a simple as a clogged fuel filter. I want to try and change it, but I don't know where it is.
Can someone please explain where it's located? Any tips on how to change it or if you have any other ideas what could be wrong with the van would be great!
Thanks alot!How do I locate or replace 1986 GMC Vandura Fuel Filter?The fuel line is detected at the front of the carburetor and is about 1/4%26quot; in diamater.The fuel filter is inside the carburetor housing when the fuel line is unscrewed.How do I locate or replace 1986 GMC Vandura Fuel Filter?the filter is right where the fuel line goes into the carb
How hard is it to change the fuel filter on a 2003 ford focus?
what tools do i need to change the fuel filter on a 2003 ford focusHow hard is it to change the fuel filter on a 2003 ford focus?most of the fords its under the car and i think its just 2 plastic clips on it all you have to do is push it together and pull the lines out and put the new one onComforter Sets howtobefriendswithyourex
Where is the fuel filter on a 2005 pontiac Sunfire and how do you change it.?
I need to chang my fuel filter and i cant find itWhere is the fuel filter on a 2005 pontiac Sunfire and how do you change it.?Check the rear crossmember of the vehicle. It's an inline filter, so it's in the fuel line attached to the crossmember. You need to relieve the fuel system pressure before you twist off the quick connect fitting. Before installing a new filter, apply a few drops of motor oil to the male tube end of the filter. Use new copper replacement gaskets on all fuel fittings to prevent leaks. The copper gaskets are designed to seal only once.Where is the fuel filter on a 2005 pontiac Sunfire and how do you change it.?I would check under the hood by the air filter, if its not there locate the crossmember and look there, if its not there it might be in in line filter or it might be in your carburator, or it might be in your gas tank ive done a few of these good luck hope it helps
How often do I have to change a fuel filter on a 2001 chevy Blazer?
It should be replaced every year or every 20,000 miles.How often do I have to change a fuel filter on a 2001 chevy Blazer?Don't worry it will let you know when it's time.How often do I have to change a fuel filter on a 2001 chevy Blazer?when its dirty..have it checked at 60000How often do I have to change a fuel filter on a 2001 chevy Blazer?I do it on my truck every 20,000 Kms. I think that's around 12,000 miles. Don't forget the air filter.How often do I have to change a fuel filter on a 2001 chevy Blazer?More likely the air filter. It's getting plenty of fuel, Yes...that's the problem. It could be air starved.How often do I have to change a fuel filter on a 2001 chevy Blazer?Check the owner's manual. This is a good source for a lot of the basic maintenance questions.
On my truck the regular interval is listed as 30,000, but under the severe duty it is 15,000 miles.
If you go off roading, tow or live in a mountainous area you would want to use the severe duty interval.
I think maintenance is supposed to be preventive not reactive. I do not subscribe to waiting till a dash light comes on. If you are a do it your self kind of person you will need the proper tool to disconnect the filter. You also need to release the pressure in the fuel line before you attempt to disconnect the filter.
On my truck the regular interval is listed as 30,000, but under the severe duty it is 15,000 miles.
If you go off roading, tow or live in a mountainous area you would want to use the severe duty interval.
I think maintenance is supposed to be preventive not reactive. I do not subscribe to waiting till a dash light comes on. If you are a do it your self kind of person you will need the proper tool to disconnect the filter. You also need to release the pressure in the fuel line before you attempt to disconnect the filter.
How do you remove 1993 ford f150 fuel filter?
Im having a problem removing the fuel filter on my 1993 f150 ford pick up. It has the quick release connections but they won%26quot;t come off the old fuel filter. I think the filter is orig. Any tricks to this? I have the 5/16th diconnect tool. Help PleaseHow do you remove 1993 ford f150 fuel filter?try some spray lubricant like wd-40How do you remove 1993 ford f150 fuel filter?IT HAS TO COME OFF I WOULD DO LIKE LAW MAN SAY AND SPAY SOME PENETRATING OIL ON THE FITTING AND KEEP AT IT
How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?
fuel filter is above rear axle,dont know how to remove the fuel lines.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?Removing the fuel filter is a complicated task. You need to do a few things:
You need to disconnect the negative battery cable and then remove the fuel tank cap to release fuel tank pressure. Remove the fuel pump relay from the PDC. Start the engine and allow it to run until it stops. Select any injector and unplug its connector.
Then you need to connect a jumper wire from an injector terminal to the positive battery terminal. Then, connect the other jumper wire to the other battery terminal. Briefly touch the end to the negative battery terminal. Again you need to locate the fuel filter regulator near the front of the fuel tank, mounted to the body above the rear axle. Disconnect the fuel supply, fuel return and fuel pressure lines. Remove the mounting bolts and then the fuel filter regulator. Lastly attach the new fuel filter regulator to the body and tighten the bolts. You need to reconnect the fuel supply, fuel return and fuel pressure lines. Reconnect the negative battery cable. Start the engine of your Jeep Grand Cherokee and be sure to check for leaks. make sure green ooze isn't leaking, it no ooze is leaking you completed a successful job.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?There is an aluminum plate held on with (3) 13mm bolts. Remove it. Behind it there is a black plastic shield, held on with (2) 10mm nuts. Remove that and you will see the fuel filter, and the bracket that holds it on.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?type into search box
how to remove fuel filter 2004 jeep grand cherokee
repair manual 2004 jeep grand cherokee PDFHow to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?Any repairs you may need to do on your 04 Jeep is made much easier if you go to your Auto Parts Store and buy a Manual for your Jeep. This book cost around $20 dollars and will be the best twenty you have ever spent. It will tell you any thing you could want to know.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?The best thing to do is go to an auto parts store and buy a Haynes service manual for your particular Jeep. They are not too expensive, and the manual will have step-by-step instructions on how to do it. Make sure you de-pressurize the fuel system first... I learned the hard way that the gas sprays out if its still under pressure! Its easy to do.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?There is an aluminum plate held on with three 13mm bolts. Remove the plate.there is a plastic shield behind it, held on with two brackets that holds it on.
You need to disconnect the negative battery cable and then remove the fuel tank cap to release fuel tank pressure. Remove the fuel pump relay from the PDC. Start the engine and allow it to run until it stops. Select any injector and unplug its connector.
Then you need to connect a jumper wire from an injector terminal to the positive battery terminal. Then, connect the other jumper wire to the other battery terminal. Briefly touch the end to the negative battery terminal. Again you need to locate the fuel filter regulator near the front of the fuel tank, mounted to the body above the rear axle. Disconnect the fuel supply, fuel return and fuel pressure lines. Remove the mounting bolts and then the fuel filter regulator. Lastly attach the new fuel filter regulator to the body and tighten the bolts. You need to reconnect the fuel supply, fuel return and fuel pressure lines. Reconnect the negative battery cable. Start the engine of your Jeep Grand Cherokee and be sure to check for leaks. make sure green ooze isn't leaking, it no ooze is leaking you completed a successful job.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?There is an aluminum plate held on with (3) 13mm bolts. Remove it. Behind it there is a black plastic shield, held on with (2) 10mm nuts. Remove that and you will see the fuel filter, and the bracket that holds it on.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?type into search box
how to remove fuel filter 2004 jeep grand cherokee
repair manual 2004 jeep grand cherokee PDFHow to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?Any repairs you may need to do on your 04 Jeep is made much easier if you go to your Auto Parts Store and buy a Manual for your Jeep. This book cost around $20 dollars and will be the best twenty you have ever spent. It will tell you any thing you could want to know.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?The best thing to do is go to an auto parts store and buy a Haynes service manual for your particular Jeep. They are not too expensive, and the manual will have step-by-step instructions on how to do it. Make sure you de-pressurize the fuel system first... I learned the hard way that the gas sprays out if its still under pressure! Its easy to do.How to remove fuel filter on a 2004 jeep grand cherokee.?There is an aluminum plate held on with three 13mm bolts. Remove the plate.there is a plastic shield behind it, held on with two brackets that holds it on.
How do i change a fuel filter?
do i need to know anything before changing it? will gas pour out at me? and if so how do i stop it? and will their be air in the lines?How do i change a fuel filter?First of all, before you get going to do it, do you know where the fuel filter is located? It will either be a round canister looking thing on the frame rail with one rubber line coming out and one going in. That will be easy, some gas will come out, but as long as you have the car off, it will stop within a few seconds, just watch your face! If you are unlucky, the filter is in the fuel tank, which you will definitely not be able to replace yourself unless you have the tools and are confident you can drop the gas tank and put it back in. Good luck!
Oh, and, when you are done, turn the key in the on position (without starting it), then off, on, then off, then on, then start. This will ensure that the pump re pressurizes the system.How do i change a fuel filter?what year and make of vehicle?
bleed the pressure first to avoid gas all over problems.
could be 2 clamps and a 5 dollar in line filter. Could be in your gas tank and take a few hundred dollars. moRe info please.
WayneHow do i change a fuel filter?Depends on the type of car and the type of filter. Some are easy to get to, some are under the car. Some are connected with hoses and clamps (easy), some are connected to hard lines and require a special release tool to get them loose. You will get gas on you, and air in the fuel lines isn't an issue. Not the amount you will get from changing a filter. To be more specific, I would need to know the make, model and year of the car.How do i change a fuel filter?-what kind of car is it,and yes it will spray u will need to depressurize itasp hosting drawing a circle
Oh, and, when you are done, turn the key in the on position (without starting it), then off, on, then off, then on, then start. This will ensure that the pump re pressurizes the system.How do i change a fuel filter?what year and make of vehicle?
bleed the pressure first to avoid gas all over problems.
could be 2 clamps and a 5 dollar in line filter. Could be in your gas tank and take a few hundred dollars. moRe info please.
WayneHow do i change a fuel filter?Depends on the type of car and the type of filter. Some are easy to get to, some are under the car. Some are connected with hoses and clamps (easy), some are connected to hard lines and require a special release tool to get them loose. You will get gas on you, and air in the fuel lines isn't an issue. Not the amount you will get from changing a filter. To be more specific, I would need to know the make, model and year of the car.How do i change a fuel filter?-what kind of car is it,and yes it will spray u will need to depressurize it
How to change a fuel filter on a dodge caravan?
That's the filter with three really long hoses attached. Squeeze the lock tabs on the end of each hose and twist the hose as you pull it. The connection on the top of the tank is hard to reach but it can be done without dropping the tank.
Where is the Fuel Filter on my 1992 honda prelude?
Looking for it and can't find it, also any addtional info about my car, (where i can get my check engine light checked, w/o having to pay honda $90, what my check engine light could be, why when my car idles it revs up and down on its own, and how to install a rear caliper bolt, do i need to bleed the brakes to do this???) would be very much appreciated!!!Where is the Fuel Filter on my 1992 honda prelude?your fuel filter is located in your engine bay near the firewall (close to windsheild) it is black, held by a bracket, and has an angled fitting comming out of the top held in by whats called a banjo bolt. you can go to the auto parts store and they can scan you computer for the check engine codes.Where is the Fuel Filter on my 1992 honda prelude?charlie is right gary, its bolted up against the firewall. auto zone will check your check engine light for free. idling up and down, could be a vacuum leak. if your just replacing a bolt in the caliper, you dont have to bleed the brakes. the only time you have to bleed brakes is if you are replacing a caliper, a line or hose, or a master cylinder.
Does anyone know step by step directions on how to install a fuel filter on a 2000 dodge neon?
To my understanding chrysler/dodge vehilce don't have an
exterior or inline filter. The only filter is next to the fuel pump inside the gas tank or on the exterior.Does anyone know step by step directions on how to install a fuel filter on a 2000 dodge neon?1 go to the autoparts store and get a filter. 2 pay for the filter 3 go home and get a jack and tools from out the garage. 4 lift the car and support it with jack stands. 5 locate the filter. 6 lossen and remove lines from filter 7 lossen bracket that holds filter 8 remover filter 9 replace filter and do everything you have just done in reverse order.
exterior or inline filter. The only filter is next to the fuel pump inside the gas tank or on the exterior.Does anyone know step by step directions on how to install a fuel filter on a 2000 dodge neon?1 go to the autoparts store and get a filter. 2 pay for the filter 3 go home and get a jack and tools from out the garage. 4 lift the car and support it with jack stands. 5 locate the filter. 6 lossen and remove lines from filter 7 lossen bracket that holds filter 8 remover filter 9 replace filter and do everything you have just done in reverse order.
How to stop a diesel leak from the fuel filter water drain line on a 2002 powerstoke F350?
wutttHow to stop a diesel leak from the fuel filter water drain line on a 2002 powerstoke F350?just go to the ford dealer as this is the only place to get the selector r%26amp;r the switch problem solved ... this is no place for a short cut .... also did you install a new filter assembly? i would also try cleaning it with a little brake clean you could have trash lodged in the outlet happened on my 99 f250 w/7.3l power stroke try that if that don't work call masters mobile auto service where they bring the shop to you 404-942-8288 good luck..How to stop a diesel leak from the fuel filter water drain line on a 2002 powerstoke F350?You fix or replace the drain valve. Obviously.
How do i change the fuel filter on my mitsubishi eclipse?
i know where it is but i cant unscrew the bolt holding the gas line from the tank to the filter... is there anything else i should watch out for or be careful with 1996 mitsu eclipse 2.0 turboHow do i change the fuel filter on my mitsubishi eclipse?This repair guide tells how to change it! You need to use a back-up wrench then removed the nut! do i change the fuel filter on my mitsubishi eclipse?This maybe can help you
check oil filter directx 9 0c runtime do i change the fuel filter on my mitsubishi eclipse?This maybe can help you
How hard is it to change the fuel filter on a 2003 Honda Odyssey?
DO NOT try to change those filters, they are life time filters and so not need to be changed, usually they are located in the fuel tank, but if the filter is located in the engine compartment, then that is changeable, and it is not hard to change them, all you need is three wrenches, sizes are different for every car, usually a 14mm, one 17mm and a 10mm will do, and you have to be able to get to it, that is the hard part, and be careful the fuel system is pressurized always, make sure to open the fuel line slowly and let the pressurized fuel drain first, then you could open the line and change the filter, good luckHow hard is it to change the fuel filter on a 2003 Honda Odyssey?it's in the tank before the fuel pump,also known as a fuel sock-part of the pump and float assembly,expen$ive.
e-mail me at larryschaefer15@yahoo.comHow hard is it to change the fuel filter on a 2003 Honda Odyssey?Not difficult at all, but the problem is accessing it. You might have to access it from under the car. They can be tricky sometimes.
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How hard is it to change the fuel filter on a 2003 Honda Odyssey?its pretty hard u have to know what your doinge-mail me at larryschaefer15@yahoo.comHow hard is it to change the fuel filter on a 2003 Honda Odyssey?Not difficult at all, but the problem is accessing it. You might have to access it from under the car. They can be tricky sometimes.
How do you know when you need to replace your fuel filter?
It's simply a maintenance item - you don't want to wait until you %26quot;need to replace your fuel filter.%26quot;
Check the owner's manual - or just replace it every 25,000 miles or so.How do you know when you need to replace your fuel filter?You could check your fuel pressure. If it's not upto specs, replace it.
I would, like others have have recommended, replace it if it's seen it's life expectancy. With some cars that might be 25k, with others that might be 50k or so.How do you know when you need to replace your fuel filter?Just do it. It won't hurt.
If it's clogged your engine will hardly run, or idle rough, or stall out...
Check the owner's manual - or just replace it every 25,000 miles or so.How do you know when you need to replace your fuel filter?You could check your fuel pressure. If it's not upto specs, replace it.
I would, like others have have recommended, replace it if it's seen it's life expectancy. With some cars that might be 25k, with others that might be 50k or so.How do you know when you need to replace your fuel filter?Just do it. It won't hurt.
If it's clogged your engine will hardly run, or idle rough, or stall out...
Question on changing a fuel filter?
I have a 1989 cutlass ceira oldsmobile (3.3 Liter) and I want to change the fuel filter. When I turn off the engine will I have pressure in the fuel line near the filter that is located near the gas tank?
Please give me any tips on how to do this.Question on changing a fuel filter?Yes, but as you slowly turn the wrenches to loosen the fuel filter lines, the gas will simply start squirting out. It won't keep draining for long. Wear safety glasses and rubber gloves. You can also press in the center pin on the fuel pressure schrader valve (a tire type valve) located on the fuel injection rail on top of the engine to relieve the pressure. Use a rag to soak up any fuel.Question on changing a fuel filter?i would think so just loosing nut very slowly with rag round it careful you dont get in eyes
Please give me any tips on how to do this.Question on changing a fuel filter?Yes, but as you slowly turn the wrenches to loosen the fuel filter lines, the gas will simply start squirting out. It won't keep draining for long. Wear safety glasses and rubber gloves. You can also press in the center pin on the fuel pressure schrader valve (a tire type valve) located on the fuel injection rail on top of the engine to relieve the pressure. Use a rag to soak up any fuel.Question on changing a fuel filter?i would think so just loosing nut very slowly with rag round it careful you dont get in eyes
I have a 1994 ford explorer how do the fuel line disconect from the fuel filter?
They dont appear to be quick disconect type do they just pull off. If so,they are really stuckI have a 1994 ford explorer how do the fuel line disconect from the fuel filter?you need a special tool get it at the parts store for 5 bucksI have a 1994 ford explorer how do the fuel line disconect from the fuel filter?Check the ends of the filter. Pull out the plastic tab. You should get new ones with the new filter. Pry them out with a screwdriver. Still some times the end is stuck in the line. Twist it with pliers.I have a 1994 ford explorer how do the fuel line disconect from the fuel filter?depends if it is plastic connector at the fuel filter if it is there should be a plastic clip holding it to the filter the clip will go though the edge of the connector but if it is steal where at the end of the hose that goes to the filter it is held on by a spring in side the end of the steal on the filter side if it is steal do not pry on it you need a tool to push the spring back for it to release it if you go to the parts store you can buy the toolI have a 1994 ford explorer how do the fuel line disconect from the fuel filter?And if you have to twist the line or force it in order to remove it, consider replacing the o-ring seals in the end of the lines. To have pressurized fuel spraying all under the car could get ugly fast....
Where is the fuel filter located at on a '97 Jeep Wrangler S/E?
Does anyone know how expensive it is to repair/replace?Where is the fuel filter located at on a '97 Jeep Wrangler S/E?It should be located on the driver's side, between the door frame and the rear wheel well, attached to the frame rail under the tub. It's a metal can about 2%26quot; in diameter and 4%26quot; long. The cost of the filter should be less than $10. Labor should be less than a hour. I'd guess $45 - $60 to replace. The fuel system is pressurized, so do not attempt this yourself, unless you know what you're doing.
Happy Trails!Where is the fuel filter located at on a '97 Jeep Wrangler S/E?THE FUEL FILTER / FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR IS ON THE TOP OF THE FUEL PUMP AND YOU HAVE TO DROP THE FUEL TANK TO GET TO IT.connecting database xp
I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?
if i do where can i get, what does it look like and how much is it. I could not find one anywhere.
Thanks for the help!I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?Yes, you will need a special tool, it is called a spring lock tool. They are made of plastic and they wrap around the fuel line. You can find them and most auto part stores. When you go to get one, tell the parts guy you are trying to remove a fuel filter on your vehicle. and BE SURE to tell him it is for a Ford. He will know exactly what you are looking for. If you are not sure how to use it, ask the parts guy, he will show you how. You commonly buy that tool as a set which has different sizes. a good set will cost about $20. give or take.I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?Yes you probably will ask one of your mechanic friends cause a shop will tell you any thing to make you give it to them so they can get paid. Good Luck!I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?Should just be regular toolsI have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?Yes you will need a tool that releases the fuel line couplers. It can be borrowed from Autozone for free but you will have to leave a deposit.I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?if it has those connectors that are little donuts around the fuel line, the tool is very inexpensive. They are plastic and come in a kit with all the sizes.
No other tool replaces them and they are very easy to use. I had to buy a set for my daughter's tempo I think the set was about 5 bucks. I believe it is called a fuel line coupling release tool.I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?My boyfriend works on cars and he just told me that u should go to auto zone, strauss or pep boys.
You need a fuel line release.
It's a plastic circle that goes within the circle. Then you push it in %26amp; then it gets released.I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?no just a mortgageI have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?no, but you should go to a mechanic!
Thanks for the help!I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?Yes, you will need a special tool, it is called a spring lock tool. They are made of plastic and they wrap around the fuel line. You can find them and most auto part stores. When you go to get one, tell the parts guy you are trying to remove a fuel filter on your vehicle. and BE SURE to tell him it is for a Ford. He will know exactly what you are looking for. If you are not sure how to use it, ask the parts guy, he will show you how. You commonly buy that tool as a set which has different sizes. a good set will cost about $20. give or take.I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?Yes you probably will ask one of your mechanic friends cause a shop will tell you any thing to make you give it to them so they can get paid. Good Luck!I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?Should just be regular toolsI have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?Yes you will need a tool that releases the fuel line couplers. It can be borrowed from Autozone for free but you will have to leave a deposit.I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?if it has those connectors that are little donuts around the fuel line, the tool is very inexpensive. They are plastic and come in a kit with all the sizes.
No other tool replaces them and they are very easy to use. I had to buy a set for my daughter's tempo I think the set was about 5 bucks. I believe it is called a fuel line coupling release tool.I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?My boyfriend works on cars and he just told me that u should go to auto zone, strauss or pep boys.
You need a fuel line release.
It's a plastic circle that goes within the circle. Then you push it in %26amp; then it gets released.I have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?no just a mortgageI have a 1997 ford E350 with a V10 6.8L engine, to change the fuel filter do i need a special tool?no, but you should go to a mechanic!
When to change ht leads, fuel filter and break fluid?
Hello i am seriving my car soon and its a 1997 reanult clio mk1 1.2
I am wondering how often / how many miles should these items be replaced
HT leads
Fuel filter
Break fluid
ThanksWhen to change ht leads, fuel filter and break fluid?not sure what ht leads are, but as for fuel filter, once a year. and brake fluid about once every 100,000 miles. brake fluid absorbs moisture out of the air which makes it not work effeiciently. but i have found that changing it at this times works fine, unless the car sits up for about a half year then change it as soon as you get it back on the road.
I am wondering how often / how many miles should these items be replaced
HT leads
Fuel filter
Break fluid
ThanksWhen to change ht leads, fuel filter and break fluid?not sure what ht leads are, but as for fuel filter, once a year. and brake fluid about once every 100,000 miles. brake fluid absorbs moisture out of the air which makes it not work effeiciently. but i have found that changing it at this times works fine, unless the car sits up for about a half year then change it as soon as you get it back on the road.
Where is the fuel filter on a '78 MGB, and how hard is it to change?
Do I get at it from above, below, need any special tool, second person.. ?Where is the fuel filter on a '78 MGB, and how hard is it to change?Should be under the car near the gas tank, all you should need is either a small flat head screwdriver or two crecent wrenches (just so you dont have to guess the size), should be easy to change, just be sure to relieve the pressure out of the fuel system (take out the fuel pump relay and run the car until it stalls).
How do i take the fuel filter off of a 94 dodge intrepid?
I have located it now and looking at it,and it has nothing to put a wrench on, how do i take it of.f is there a special thing to have to buy to remove it ?How do i take the fuel filter off of a 94 dodge intrepid?if you dont see plastic clips holding it on, then get a fuel line dissconect tool. it fits around the fuel line, slips into the beveled edge, expands a spring o ring of sorts and then just pull it apart.How do i take the fuel filter off of a 94 dodge intrepid?If you plan on keeping the car for a while, when I get my cars I go to the parts store and get the Haynes car book. or you can see if the sites below will help you, good luck.
Where is fuel filter on 1994 Rodeo V6?
I have a 1994 Rodeo with a V6 which has hesitation between 60-70 mph. It runs find at lower speeds.
Someone suggested changing the fuel filter but I don't know where it is located.
Where is it and how difficult is it to change? I am not much of a mechanic.Where is fuel filter on 1994 Rodeo V6?UNDER VEHICLE, PASSENGER SIDE, BELOW BED AREA, MOUNTED ON FRAME IN FUEL LINEbird where can i find lpt1
Someone suggested changing the fuel filter but I don't know where it is located.
Where is it and how difficult is it to change? I am not much of a mechanic.Where is fuel filter on 1994 Rodeo V6?UNDER VEHICLE, PASSENGER SIDE, BELOW BED AREA, MOUNTED ON FRAME IN FUEL LINE
How do you change fuel filter on 1997 Pontiac Sunfire.?
I cant seem to get it off or find out how to relieve pressure on the line.How do you change fuel filter on 1997 Pontiac Sunfire.?To relieve the pressure, pull the fuel pump fuse while the car is running and wait til it dies. To change the fuel filter, you need unscrew the threaded connector from one end , then use a 13mm wrench and slide it between the fuel filter and plastic retainer and pry so the wrench is pushing the Retainer into the hose then pull the hose off the filter. Pop it out of the holder and replace.
How much should it cost to replace fuel filter for a 2001 Nissan Altima? Dealer is charging $92.00.?
I brought my car in for regular maintenance, and I'm already paying for a lot of other work when they noticed that I needed the fuel filter replaced too. Would it be better to just try to find a local garage?How much should it cost to replace fuel filter for a 2001 Nissan Altima? Dealer is charging $92.00.?Is that what they said, they just %26quot;noticed%26quot; you need a new filter?
Get out of there!
I'm wondering what %26quot;other work%26quot; you are paying %26quot;a lot%26quot; for, that could be unnecessary.
Dealers are very good at padding bills. It's called survive and prosper.
Go find a mechanic with the bum out of his overalls.How much should it cost to replace fuel filter for a 2001 Nissan Altima? Dealer is charging $92.00.?92.00 parts and labor seems about right to me. I am sure you can shop around and find some hillbilly shop that uses autozone parts that can do it for 80 dollars.How much should it cost to replace fuel filter for a 2001 Nissan Altima? Dealer is charging $92.00.?Local garage !!!! $ 50.00How much should it cost to replace fuel filter for a 2001 Nissan Altima? Dealer is charging $92.00.?Ask why they feel the fuel filter needs to be replaced. If you have always used regular gas (ie from gas stations) you probably really don't need one. My car didn't have the filter changed until 90,000 miles, but it really needed it. The previous owner used farm fuel in it, which is low grade for tractors.
Nissan suggests a inspect and replace if necessary every 30,000 miles according to the Maintenance Guide.
Get out of there!
I'm wondering what %26quot;other work%26quot; you are paying %26quot;a lot%26quot; for, that could be unnecessary.
Dealers are very good at padding bills. It's called survive and prosper.
Go find a mechanic with the bum out of his overalls.How much should it cost to replace fuel filter for a 2001 Nissan Altima? Dealer is charging $92.00.?92.00 parts and labor seems about right to me. I am sure you can shop around and find some hillbilly shop that uses autozone parts that can do it for 80 dollars.How much should it cost to replace fuel filter for a 2001 Nissan Altima? Dealer is charging $92.00.?Local garage !!!! $ 50.00How much should it cost to replace fuel filter for a 2001 Nissan Altima? Dealer is charging $92.00.?Ask why they feel the fuel filter needs to be replaced. If you have always used regular gas (ie from gas stations) you probably really don't need one. My car didn't have the filter changed until 90,000 miles, but it really needed it. The previous owner used farm fuel in it, which is low grade for tractors.
Nissan suggests a inspect and replace if necessary every 30,000 miles according to the Maintenance Guide.
Where is the fuel filter located on a 98 range rover,?
I,m looking for information on how to clean or replace a fuel filter, but have not a clue where it's located.Where is the fuel filter located on a 98 range rover,?The Fuel filter in the early P38 Range Rovers is located in the engine bay and looks like every other fuel filter (like a tin can with thread ontop)
However; Land Rover changed the design in later P38's, one of the changes included moving the fuel filter from under the bonnet to inside the Fuel tank itself. I would suggest you filter is most likely inside the fuel tank.
However; Land Rover changed the design in later P38's, one of the changes included moving the fuel filter from under the bonnet to inside the Fuel tank itself. I would suggest you filter is most likely inside the fuel tank.
How easy is it to change a fuel filter in a hyundai elantra?
It should be back by your gas tank up under the frame for protection. It`s easy to change. Be ready for some gas to spill out.
How to change, and replace a Fuel Filter on a 1991 geo tracker?
if its the same as mine it a line filter and you will have to buy that dang specail tool its like a clamp and pliers mix its around 20 bucks naturally any more seems like everything has to have a special tool tying to make it so the poor man cant fix his own cars anymore hope i helped hair cut styles email
How do I change my fuel filter on my 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipes.?
I am a 20 year old girl and I need to change the filter on my car because its cloged and I can't get it to start do to this. So if you for sure know how to change the filter please please please give me good detailed step by step directions for doing it. I would also like to know about how long this is going to take me. If you know it would be nice. So please give me the know how so that I can get my hands dirty and my car fixed and rinning again.Thanks to anyone who trys to heip me. Oh and Merry Christmas hope you all have a good one.How do I change my fuel filter on my 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipes.?Sweetie I admire the spark in you wanting to do it your self but thats not a good idea with the style filter your car has. See you have to have a filter removal tool and there difficult to use. you'll also have to go under the car. But if your still willing E-mail me and I'll Try to help the best I can. And Merry Christmas to you also.
How do I change the fuel filter on my 95 ranger xlt 2.3L reg cab/bed 2WD?
I have located the filter and bought the special tool to remove the filter but I can't figure out how to use this tool. Also it says to relieve the pressure from the fuel system...and of course I don't know how to do that either. I need a LOT of help!! Also, is changing the fuel filter on my 95 the same as changing one on a 98? My brother has a 98 and we need to change his too. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and hopefully answer my question. Have a great day!How do I change the fuel filter on my 95 ranger xlt 2.3L reg cab/bed 2WD?ok the tool is simple here is that u do the tool has a little insert and the filter line has what i am goin to call an hemisphere fitting spray wd 40 in the fitting on the inside to loosen rust and corrosion next take the tool put it around the line with the insert goin into the hemispere there are four little clips in that hemisphere that the tool is going to compress so ull have to push fairly hard and hold it in second take the line and twist it as u do this to help break the rust and corrosion away then push the line as far toward the filter as it will go u will feel it kinda click i guess is what i will say when that happens pull the line away from the filter its simple if someone can show u its hard to explain HOPE THIS HELPS as far as the pressure goes there is a schrader valve on the fuel rail under the hood where the injectors get there feed from push the valve like u would to let air out of a tire it looks just like a tire valve on a fordHow do I change the fuel filter on my 95 ranger xlt 2.3L reg cab/bed 2WD?yes they are the same to relieve pressure there is a cap under your hood on the top of the motor that looks like a tire valve take the cap off press the lil thing inside (watch your face this will spray gas) now the filter the tool fits in the filter press it in as far as you car and squeez the tool twist the filter and pull the same time it should come off repeat fot the other side
Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?
tomorrow im changing my fuel filter, but i heard you have to relive pressure from the fuel system, how do i do this?
any tips/hints?Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?Remove the fuel filler cap to release the vapor pressure from the fuel tank.
Place a flat pan under the filter to catch the fuel which will come out when the lines are loosened,use two wrenches ( one on the hex on the filter - the other on the line nut ) to loosen the fuel lines, Remove the filter mounting bolt/screw if one exists. Reverse procedure to install new filter. Re-tighten the fuel cap.
Turn the ignition switch to the ON position without cranking the engine.
Wait 10 seconds. Switch the ignition OFF for 5 seconds. This will operate the in tank fuel pump to prime the fuel filter.
Start the engine, it may stumble for a few moments as any remaining air is purged out.Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?You relieve the pressure by taking the gas cap off. When you're done, just tighten the cap. Easy, right?Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?When your car sits overnight or for a long period of time it will lose its pressure. Now when finished just turn the key on and off a few times to prime the lines.Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?Near the air intake, the fuel line will usually has a fuel pressure test port. This port looks like it has a tire valve cap on it ( only the cap is larger ). cover or wrap this stem with a rag and depress the valve core. The fuel BUILT UP by the fuel pump will then bleed down. You should disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery before you start this job.
any tips/hints?Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?Remove the fuel filler cap to release the vapor pressure from the fuel tank.
Place a flat pan under the filter to catch the fuel which will come out when the lines are loosened,use two wrenches ( one on the hex on the filter - the other on the line nut ) to loosen the fuel lines, Remove the filter mounting bolt/screw if one exists. Reverse procedure to install new filter. Re-tighten the fuel cap.
Turn the ignition switch to the ON position without cranking the engine.
Wait 10 seconds. Switch the ignition OFF for 5 seconds. This will operate the in tank fuel pump to prime the fuel filter.
Start the engine, it may stumble for a few moments as any remaining air is purged out.Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?You relieve the pressure by taking the gas cap off. When you're done, just tighten the cap. Easy, right?Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?When your car sits overnight or for a long period of time it will lose its pressure. Now when finished just turn the key on and off a few times to prime the lines.Changing my fuel filter, what do i do?Near the air intake, the fuel line will usually has a fuel pressure test port. This port looks like it has a tire valve cap on it ( only the cap is larger ). cover or wrap this stem with a rag and depress the valve core. The fuel BUILT UP by the fuel pump will then bleed down. You should disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery before you start this job.
How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter in a 2000 Dodge Intrepid?
$ 20 WITH LABOURHow much does it cost to replace a fuel filter in a 2000 Dodge Intrepid?Approximately $12 for the filter. It's easy to change.How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter in a 2000 Dodge Intrepid?5-10 bucks. its really easy
Friday, September 23, 2011
How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?
Probably $50 at a shop, but you can do it for about $10 on most cars.
How to do it?
First, get the new filter and locate the old filter. Many domestic cars are easy, newer GM's and Ford's have nylon clips that simply hold the fuel lines on the filter.
To do this job, you need the appropriate screwdrivers or wrenches, the fuel filter, your owners manual and a pan to catch the fuel that will spill.
Locate the fuel pump fuse in your owners manual and remove that fuse. Start the car. It will probably run for a second or two and stop.
Place the pan under there the filter is located. Loosen the lines from the filter. If it's one of the domestics I mentioned, you can carefully pry the nylon clips off with a screwdriver.
Let the fuel lines drain into the pan.
Loose the clamp that holds the filter to the body of the car.
Notice the orientation of the filter. It should have an arrow on it, indicating the direction of fluid flow.
Install the new filter in the same direction, reversing the steps above.
When you go to start the car, it may take a longer crank since you just drained all the fuel out of the fuel lines.
Or just get a cute member of the opposite sex to do this job for ya!How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?Depends on the makeHow much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?Depends on what kind what kind of car you have engine all that jazz but they range from about $ .47-$ 30.00How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?the part should only be a few bucks. you can probably do it yourself and save $30 in labor.How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?Replace a fuel filter on what? A truck, a car, a furnace, a boat, etc. What it is makes a big difference.How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?Three dollars and ninety-seven centsfish Looking for a quilt display chest
How to do it?
First, get the new filter and locate the old filter. Many domestic cars are easy, newer GM's and Ford's have nylon clips that simply hold the fuel lines on the filter.
To do this job, you need the appropriate screwdrivers or wrenches, the fuel filter, your owners manual and a pan to catch the fuel that will spill.
Locate the fuel pump fuse in your owners manual and remove that fuse. Start the car. It will probably run for a second or two and stop.
Place the pan under there the filter is located. Loosen the lines from the filter. If it's one of the domestics I mentioned, you can carefully pry the nylon clips off with a screwdriver.
Let the fuel lines drain into the pan.
Loose the clamp that holds the filter to the body of the car.
Notice the orientation of the filter. It should have an arrow on it, indicating the direction of fluid flow.
Install the new filter in the same direction, reversing the steps above.
When you go to start the car, it may take a longer crank since you just drained all the fuel out of the fuel lines.
Or just get a cute member of the opposite sex to do this job for ya!How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?Depends on the makeHow much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?Depends on what kind what kind of car you have engine all that jazz but they range from about $ .47-$ 30.00How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?the part should only be a few bucks. you can probably do it yourself and save $30 in labor.How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?Replace a fuel filter on what? A truck, a car, a furnace, a boat, etc. What it is makes a big difference.How much does it cost to replace a fuel filter?Three dollars and ninety-seven cents
Where is fuel filter on Renault Laguna RT 1995 2l petrol, what does it look like & how do you clean it?
Would welcome more answers %26amp; suggestions to original question yesterday: Engine stalls then won't restart for an hour, why?Where is fuel filter on Renault Laguna RT 1995 2l petrol, what does it look like %26amp; how do you clean it?it sounds like the coolant temperature sensor. You will find it on the front left hand side of the cylinder head. There were two different types, easily identified by its colour, the most common one had a white plastic top. The sensor gets corroded and then give a false reading to the ecu, this can then cause problems with the fuelling. Try removing the sensor and cleaning off any corrosion, if this improves things then you know you are definitely on the right track. as far as i can remember the part number for the sensor is 7700737571 and it was about 20+ vatWhere is fuel filter on Renault Laguna RT 1995 2l petrol, what does it look like %26amp; how do you clean it?You need a gallon of 87 octane and a match to solve your problems.Where is fuel filter on Renault Laguna RT 1995 2l petrol, what does it look like %26amp; how do you clean it?nice one GAWKEN!
How do I changed my fuel filter...?
I own a 2004 Hyundai Accent. I need to know in details where the fuel filter is located, the tools I need, and how to change it.How do I changed my fuel filter...?For that car, it is likely in the fuel tank...they intend them to last the %26quot;life of the car%26quot;, but many times don't. If it is plugged, I would suggest having a pro do the job...How do I changed my fuel filter...?Fuel filter? Do you mean OIL filter? your fuel filter shouldn't go bad on a 2004 model. Still under warranty?How do I changed my fuel filter...?Nope. Don't touch it unless you are a mechanic or engineer. You're going to end up killing yourself. I don't care if you're short on money. This is not something you touch if you're not mechanically inclined.How do I changed my fuel filter...?I cannot verify currently the location of your fuel filter. It will be in 1 of 3 places. If it is in the engine bay It will look like a small can with a line going in top under a bolt and a line coming from the bottom going to the Fuel rail. If it is under the car it will be a small can with a hose hose clamped to each end. and if its in the tank its rather hard to change but I will tell you just to answer your question. I suggest having a mechanic friend or pro handle it if its there. To take it out of the tank, You will most likely need to depressurize the system by removing the efi relay under hood and run the engine until it dies on its own. then try to start it a few times. then disconnect the battery. in the trunk under the carpet and maybe spare tire there will be a small panel held in place by some bolts/screws. undo them and underneath is your fuel tank, there will be a circle with connectors coming out the top. you will have to unbolt it and lift out the fuel pump assembly. In the assembly will be the filter, the pump, and most likely the fuel level sender with float. Sometimes you have to replace it as a unit I am not sure on your car. If you don't you can replace the filter if you do You will have to buy a new unit at a store and swap the fuel lines onto it and electrical connections etc. For tools you will need sockets ( My guess would be metric around a 17 but not sure ) a flathead if you need to take off the hose clamps, and 10s or 12mm socket for the panel and tank cover in trunk. If you have to take off the lines to the fuel pump you will need a fuel line clamp and A lot of luck. I personally wouldn't mess with it unless you HAVE to. Any questions Ill be around. Oh and if they are in the engine or under the car depressurize the system and simply unbolt/unclamp them, and replace the way they came out. Make sure flow is correct way. -mike.
P.S. After searching it looks like the fuel filter Might be the under the chasis kind. Look something like this : , do depressureize the system and find it.
P.S. After searching it looks like the fuel filter Might be the under the chasis kind. Look something like this : , do depressureize the system and find it.
How much should it cost to have a mechanic change the inline fuel filter of a 1993 toyota paseo?
An hour's rate.. maybe $40 at my shop.
The high pressure EFI filters aren't a simple rubber hose off.. rubber hose on type carb. filter. The filter is threaded on, larger, and usually in a tight spot.How much should it cost to have a mechanic change the inline fuel filter of a 1993 toyota paseo?since it would be a 10-minute job for any good mechanic (half-hour for the common man with a scissor jack) 20 dollars. they will probably hit you for more than that and say you need a fuel pump, new pressure regulator and some lines replaced so they can get a few hundred out of you though.
The high pressure EFI filters aren't a simple rubber hose off.. rubber hose on type carb. filter. The filter is threaded on, larger, and usually in a tight spot.How much should it cost to have a mechanic change the inline fuel filter of a 1993 toyota paseo?since it would be a 10-minute job for any good mechanic (half-hour for the common man with a scissor jack) 20 dollars. they will probably hit you for more than that and say you need a fuel pump, new pressure regulator and some lines replaced so they can get a few hundred out of you though.
What do i need to use or do to change a fuel filter on a '01 ford ranger, 2.5L, 4 cylinder?
I know where it is. But what tools do I need. I already got Sprayed in my face with gas once. How do I prevent the pressure build up also?What do i need to use or do to change a fuel filter on a '01 ford ranger, 2.5L, 4 cylinder?There are many ways to purge the residual fuel pressure in the system. It's whatever suits your fancy. You can pull the fuel pump fuse or relay, and run the engine until it farts, and quits. Hope this helps.What do i need to use or do to change a fuel filter on a '01 ford ranger, 2.5L, 4 cylinder?use some dynamite. best way to change the oil on a ford is to blow it up then buy a GMC truckWhat do i need to use or do to change a fuel filter on a '01 ford ranger, 2.5L, 4 cylinder?There are fuel filter tools that are available from a local parts house, kind of a scissor like devise with a circle type thing on each end. As far as releasing fuel pressure there is two things that you can try take fuel cap off or bleed out pressure from the fuel rail valve
How to troubleshoot a 1998 323ic BMW fuel filter?
Please help, I'm in desperate need to get mine back on the road.How to troubleshoot a 1998 323ic BMW fuel filter?I would just replace it if the car was mine (due to the age and mileage of the car).
But if you insist, while you can check directly at the output side of the filter itself, I would recommend checking for fuel pressure after the filter at the schrader valve of the common fuel rail which supplies fuel to the injectors. Checking for pressure before the filter checks the integrity of the fuel pump.
If you have already replaced the filter and the pump is normally supplying fuel yet the fuel pressure is low then you may have a bad fuel pressure regulator.cute myspace cute hair
But if you insist, while you can check directly at the output side of the filter itself, I would recommend checking for fuel pressure after the filter at the schrader valve of the common fuel rail which supplies fuel to the injectors. Checking for pressure before the filter checks the integrity of the fuel pump.
If you have already replaced the filter and the pump is normally supplying fuel yet the fuel pressure is low then you may have a bad fuel pressure regulator.
How difficult is it to replace the fuel filter on a 1989 BMW 325is?
It shouldn't be any more difficult than other cars...first you have to find it, gather the right size wrenches and a pan to catch the gas that comes out...
Relieve any residual pressure on the system, and wear goggles to protect your eyes...take your time and be careful, gas is very volatile and will cause bad fires.How difficult is it to replace the fuel filter on a 1989 BMW 325is?contact dealership
Relieve any residual pressure on the system, and wear goggles to protect your eyes...take your time and be careful, gas is very volatile and will cause bad fires.How difficult is it to replace the fuel filter on a 1989 BMW 325is?contact dealership
Question about how to release the fuel system pressure before changing the fuel filter in a vehicle?
i've been doing this for a long time ,you tell me if this is a good idea or not : when reading the instructions they always suggest to release the fuel system pressure before changing your fuel filter this is what i do: i open the gas tank cap and then introduce half way a medium size screw driver to keep the gas tank neck open,is this a good thing to do to keep the fuel system unpressurized or maybe this doesn't make any sense to you,your opinion please,tanks in advanceQuestion about how to release the fuel system pressure before changing the fuel filter in a vehicle?that does not release the fuel pressure. the best way is to remove the fuel pump fuse or relay and then crank the engine over for a few seconds. that will release any pressure so the fuel doesnt spray you in the face when you pop off the fuel line.Question about how to release the fuel system pressure before changing the fuel filter in a vehicle?if it is fuel injected, on the fuel rail near the motor where it splits or near the first injector is a valve.that is where you release the pressure.they recommend the fuel pressure tester to release pressure..but you can use a screw driver and a rag to release wrap the line with the rag and put the screw driver in the valve with the rag covering it so gas does not spray all over. remember the pressure is 14 to 22 lbs so gas is going to shoot outQuestion about how to release the fuel system pressure before changing the fuel filter in a vehicle?If you have a schrader valve type fitting on the fuel rail that's used for attaching a fuel pressure gauge, then press the center pin in to release some pressure with a rag to catch the fuel. If not, then I'd just gradually remove the filter connectors. Wear safety glasses and rubber gloves.Question about how to release the fuel system pressure before changing the fuel filter in a vehicle?What you're doing will not relieve pressure in the fuel line. But unless you're in a diesel, the fuel pressure is nothing to worry about. You can relieve pressure by pulling the fuel pump fuse and running the engine 'till it quits, or you can just put a rag over the fitting so it won't squirt in your eyes, and you'll just get a few tablespoons of gas on your hand.Question about how to release the fuel system pressure before changing the fuel filter in a vehicle?Steven's suggestion is right on.
Also, the fuel pressure at the rail is at least 40 PSI. Not something I would care to catch with a rag as yor skin absorbs gasline very easily. YUM!
The pressure that is to be released is between the pump and injectors, so leaving the fuel cap off only makes you feel better after clicking your heels a few times and ending up in Kansas.
Also, the fuel pressure at the rail is at least 40 PSI. Not something I would care to catch with a rag as yor skin absorbs gasline very easily. YUM!
The pressure that is to be released is between the pump and injectors, so leaving the fuel cap off only makes you feel better after clicking your heels a few times and ending up in Kansas.
How to change fuel filter on 2000 Nissan Quest?
I need to know how to do it, where it is, the difficulty level, and any probs I might encounter. Something I read said I'd have to pressurize/ depressurize the system. Is that crazy or do I need to, and if so, how do I do that? Do I need special tools? I can get most tools if I have to.How to change fuel filter on 2000 Nissan Quest?Just make sure you disconnect your battery first. You dont want any surprizes. Its pretty simple. Disconnect the fuel line and stick a rag in it. Undo any clamps and take off the other fuel line. Stick a rag in that too. Put on the new filter plug in the lines attach and tighten the clamps and drive around the block to check it. Dont forget to reattach the batttery wont go far! No special tools.
Without any experience you should be able to figure it out in half an hour.How to change fuel filter on 2000 Nissan Quest?Make sure the engine is off.
Loosen the gas gap to release the pressure.
The fuel filter is an inline filter that is usually in the engine compartment. Many are plastic but some are metal.
A hose will be connected on each end of the filter.
Some use hose clamps that require the use of a screw driver to loosen, others use pressure clamps that use a pair of pliers.
Once you find the fuel filter, its a 5 minute job to change it out.
Without any experience you should be able to figure it out in half an hour.How to change fuel filter on 2000 Nissan Quest?Make sure the engine is off.
Loosen the gas gap to release the pressure.
The fuel filter is an inline filter that is usually in the engine compartment. Many are plastic but some are metal.
A hose will be connected on each end of the filter.
Some use hose clamps that require the use of a screw driver to loosen, others use pressure clamps that use a pair of pliers.
Once you find the fuel filter, its a 5 minute job to change it out.
How To Change A Fuel Filter?
On a 78 chevy caprice. V8 350 engine. I bought a fuel filter today.. it is a little tiny filter. pretty cute haha. but i was told that it was in the carburetor. but where in there? would i have to unscrew anything? or is it somewhere else? thanks in advanceHow To Change A Fuel Filter?the fuel filter is in the front of the carb. Right where the fuel line goes into the carb., is a fitting with the fuel filter in it. ITS Not on the FRAME RAIL !!! Just unscrew the fitting and the filter is right their.How To Change A Fuel Filter?On the front of the carburetor, a metal fuel line runs into it. The fuel line has the filter inside it where it enters the carburetor. There is a nut which attaches the fuel line onto the front of the carburetor. Be careful not to twist the fuel line while you loosen the nut. Once the nut is loose, the fuel line can be pulled off/out of the front of the carburetor. You should be able to see the rim of the filter. It can usually be removed with your finger. Some fuel may spill while you change the filter. Be careful about where it lands. Please do not do this with a lit cigarette.How To Change A Fuel Filter?its an inline filter, itll be on the frame between the gastank and the engine just follow the lines, and it will be there it should be a screwdrive or a 10mm good luck have fun
How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?
while doing some maintenance on my 93 grand prix i went to replace the fuel filter and it was rusted to the fuel line i used pb blaster to try to remove some of the rust and it removed quite a bit but not enough to remove the filter and while trying to remove it i stripped the nut on the fuel filterHow to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?Cut the line as far forward as you must and as far back
don't use a rubber line. You'll need to flare in new steel lines.
It may be extra work but it's the only safe way to do it, or risk
a pretty nasty fire from below...
Good LuckHow to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?Well heats definatelly out.
I would try to take two small hammers and put one on one side of the nut, then smack the opposite side of the nut with the other hammer a few times. This can crush the rust in the threads and help in the removal. probably time to use the vise-grips when you try to loosen it too. Be patient and don't let the rusted nut win. ;-)How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?do like i did on my oldsmobile. i cut the line and took the filter off and then i took the piece of the line off. when i put the new filter on i used a piece of 3/8 gas hose and 2 small screw clamps. it worked for me.How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?sometimes a pair of vise grips will help if not try a wrench with a %26quot;grab it%26quot; which i found at the sears store.How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?I'd try using a flank drive snap on line wrench.How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?cut it with tubing cutter and use hoseclumpsweb hosting sites curly hair
don't use a rubber line. You'll need to flare in new steel lines.
It may be extra work but it's the only safe way to do it, or risk
a pretty nasty fire from below...
Good LuckHow to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?Well heats definatelly out.
I would try to take two small hammers and put one on one side of the nut, then smack the opposite side of the nut with the other hammer a few times. This can crush the rust in the threads and help in the removal. probably time to use the vise-grips when you try to loosen it too. Be patient and don't let the rusted nut win. ;-)How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?do like i did on my oldsmobile. i cut the line and took the filter off and then i took the piece of the line off. when i put the new filter on i used a piece of 3/8 gas hose and 2 small screw clamps. it worked for me.How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?sometimes a pair of vise grips will help if not try a wrench with a %26quot;grab it%26quot; which i found at the sears store.How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?I'd try using a flank drive snap on line wrench.How to replace a fuel filter thats rusted to the fuel line and stripped?cut it with tubing cutter and use hoseclumps
10 points!Can someone tell me step by step how to change a Fuel Filter on 92 GMC Safari?
For my car its located UNDERNEATH the car by the frame, and i also want to know if i need to release the fuel pressure before changing it?10 points!Can someone tell me step by step how to change a Fuel Filter on 92 GMC Safari?first unscrew the gas cap. then get a 20mm wrench and a 5/8 or 16mm line wrench. loosen both sides of the filter and put new filter on making sure the outlet side or arrow is facing torward the front of the vehicle. tighten lines and cycle the key a few times to build up pressure and check for leaks. start vehicle and again check for leaks10 points!Can someone tell me step by step how to change a Fuel Filter on 92 GMC Safari?hi, first of i have never done this but bieng it under the car thats going to be one extra hard thing, any way, first thing you need to cut the fuel supply so it wont pour everywhere . if you have some slack in the fuel line you would need to put a 180 bend in the supply line and support it with a peg or some thin wire, then you would need pliers and press the clip on both sides and release the hose from one end if its a screw then unscrew, now some petrol is going to fall out , thats ok but if it doesnt stop then youv chocked the wrong side lool , any way then unscrew the house from the other side, and ur god to go u should have the filter in ur hands by know , and place the new filter with right side of the flow , but now put the fuel supply in first with it chocked , un chocke it after it is fixed in place as soon as you see petrol coming out from the other side chock it again with the peg, then put the other side in and check that both sides are secure and your ready for a road trip,. note: be care full not to smoke u will need a screw for an emergny to cut fuel line by screwing it in the hole with it bent all the way back, and a tight tie around the bent hose ether with thin twist wire , or clothes peg, good luck and dont smoke or use a lighter for light down there.
Fuel filter location for Honda Pilot first generation?
Anyone knows where is the fuel filter is located on the first generation Honda Pilot? The owner's manual is not indicating anything about the location or how often it needs to be replaced.Fuel filter location for Honda Pilot first generation?usually the fuel filter is replaced during a MAJOR service (10,000, 30,000, 60,000 etc)
call Honda Corp or the service dept of your local dealer, they'll be happy to help you.
call Honda Corp or the service dept of your local dealer, they'll be happy to help you.
On a 2004 chevy silverado 3500 with duramax diesel engine what is the best way to chagne the fuel filter?
I know it can be done by pulling the passenger side wheel well cover off so you can do it from the bottom, How do you pull the cover off? there are way too many clips for me to know which ones to pull off?
ThanksOn a 2004 chevy silverado 3500 with duramax diesel engine what is the best way to chagne the fuel filter?THeres actually only about 6 clips you have to pull, get ahold of the cover and look to see which one are holding it. The is about the easiest and fastest way to do it. You can lay over the fender and reach it put if its really tight it can be hard to get ahold of there. Pull the filter, replace it turn the set screw about a 1/4 of a turn and then prime the heck out of it until it starts to squirt fuel out of the set screw and then tighten the set screw and your done.On a 2004 chevy silverado 3500 with duramax diesel engine what is the best way to chagne the fuel filter?i have never taken the cover off even on the new lmm engine
you can do it from the top with a band wrech
ThanksOn a 2004 chevy silverado 3500 with duramax diesel engine what is the best way to chagne the fuel filter?THeres actually only about 6 clips you have to pull, get ahold of the cover and look to see which one are holding it. The is about the easiest and fastest way to do it. You can lay over the fender and reach it put if its really tight it can be hard to get ahold of there. Pull the filter, replace it turn the set screw about a 1/4 of a turn and then prime the heck out of it until it starts to squirt fuel out of the set screw and then tighten the set screw and your done.On a 2004 chevy silverado 3500 with duramax diesel engine what is the best way to chagne the fuel filter?i have never taken the cover off even on the new lmm engine
you can do it from the top with a band wrech
How to replace plug spark and fuel filter?
hi its a ford sierra 89...i filled it with diesel by mistake so i have to change (replace) those parts...where are they in the car and how to do it?How to replace plug spark and fuel filter?You'll see the four wires running to the engine block. Holding the boot of each wire, pull each off, then use a spark plug wrench and rachet to take each one out. The fuel filter differs from car to car.How to replace plug spark and fuel filter?Im not trying to bw a smart @$$ here but if you put diesel fuel in the vehicle then PLEASE dont attempt this repair yourself.Take it to a repair shop. your fuel tank needs to be drained too. I am just wondering .. the nozzle on the diesel fuel wont fit in the spout of an unleaded vehicle for that reason. How did you get the nozzle into the filler neck past the small hole?...........Life is always STRANGER than fiction.How to replace plug spark and fuel filter?When you grab the GREEN handle at the fuel pump and it smells funny......DO NOT fill your vehicle with it unless it is a Diesel fueled vehicle... the fuel tank must be drained.... if it
does not have a drain plug (most don't) then you might get away with siphoning the tank as low as possible, replacing the fuel filter, and then filling your tank with Gasoline... it should run and may have a little smoke for this tank of fuel but it will not harm the engine in any way... the spark plugs will be ok... no need to replace...How to replace plug spark and fuel filter?If i am not mistaken, that car came with a 4 cylinder model and a 6 cylinder model. Changing the plugs on a 4 cylinder model are a little easier (because of access) whereas conversely a V-6 can be a bit of a pain because the plugs in the back are harder to reach. Nevertheless, all you will need to take out the plugs is a 11/16%26quot; socket or 13/16%26quot; socket and rachet. You will first locate the plugs, pull off the plug wires. Then using your wrench, take the plugs out by turning the wrench counter clockwise. Inspect the bottom of the plug, there may or may not be a washer (spacer) on the bottom of the plug or in the base of the plug hole itself. Whether it was there or not, replace it the same way that it was. Then replace the old plugs with new ones and tighten them down, but not too tight. Replace the plug wires.
The fuel filters are typically a little harder to replace. You will need to have a catch basin, fuel line disconnect tool (they will have an assorted set at your local auto shop), safety glasses, and a fire extinguisher ( you would not believe how many houses burn down from people trying to do this in their garage, so be outside). You will need to locate the fuel filter by tracing the fuel lines from the tank towards the motor. It would'nt hurt to buy the new one before you try locating the old one, this way you will know what you are looking for. Use the fuel line disconnect tool to remove the fuel line from each end of the filter, then replace with the new one in the same manner. You had better make sure that you get all the old fuel out of the tank.
Or spend hundreds at your local garage.
does not have a drain plug (most don't) then you might get away with siphoning the tank as low as possible, replacing the fuel filter, and then filling your tank with Gasoline... it should run and may have a little smoke for this tank of fuel but it will not harm the engine in any way... the spark plugs will be ok... no need to replace...How to replace plug spark and fuel filter?If i am not mistaken, that car came with a 4 cylinder model and a 6 cylinder model. Changing the plugs on a 4 cylinder model are a little easier (because of access) whereas conversely a V-6 can be a bit of a pain because the plugs in the back are harder to reach. Nevertheless, all you will need to take out the plugs is a 11/16%26quot; socket or 13/16%26quot; socket and rachet. You will first locate the plugs, pull off the plug wires. Then using your wrench, take the plugs out by turning the wrench counter clockwise. Inspect the bottom of the plug, there may or may not be a washer (spacer) on the bottom of the plug or in the base of the plug hole itself. Whether it was there or not, replace it the same way that it was. Then replace the old plugs with new ones and tighten them down, but not too tight. Replace the plug wires.
The fuel filters are typically a little harder to replace. You will need to have a catch basin, fuel line disconnect tool (they will have an assorted set at your local auto shop), safety glasses, and a fire extinguisher ( you would not believe how many houses burn down from people trying to do this in their garage, so be outside). You will need to locate the fuel filter by tracing the fuel lines from the tank towards the motor. It would'nt hurt to buy the new one before you try locating the old one, this way you will know what you are looking for. Use the fuel line disconnect tool to remove the fuel line from each end of the filter, then replace with the new one in the same manner. You had better make sure that you get all the old fuel out of the tank.
Or spend hundreds at your local garage.
How do you get the fuel filter off a 90 Lexus LS 400? Relieve Fuel Pressure some way?
Can break the bond, fitting are starting to strip and i am using the correct sized tools.How do you get the fuel filter off a 90 Lexus LS 400? Relieve Fuel Pressure some way?To relieve the pressure from the fuel system there will be a bleed valve in the engine compartment. It will look like a valve stem from a tire. Make sure when you bleed the system that you have a rag handy and the engine is not still hot as there will be some fuel leakage. I found it on the drivers side underneath the plastic cover on a 96 LS400dog pets
How important is fuel filter change?
there is no way for an ordinary guy to know how durty or clean is the gasoline we pump from the gas station into our gas tank
we pressume it is a good quality, is it?How important is fuel filter change?AL fuels sold in the USA have to meet minimum requirement so gas stations don't sell bad gas. (Another example of one of those %26quot;ridiculous government regulations.) Most stations get their fuel at the same place. The difference is the additive package that is put into the tank before the tanker gets to the fuel depot. However, there are, and always will be, bits of things in the tanks. It gets there from opening the lid when the fuel is delivered, things coming loose in the holding tanks, water condensation inside the tanks, and whatever gets into your own fuel tank in your vehicle. The job of the filter is to strain this out before it gets to your injectors or carburetor and clog things up. After a while your filter gets full of this stuff and gets clogged up. Your engine gets starved for fuel and your vehicle starts pinging and getting worse gas mileage. Finally your engine won't run and your fuel pump ends up burning out. If you change your fuel filter periodically you end up saving not only gas, but also costly repairs.How important is fuel filter change?I have a GM mechanic friend who tells me to replace the fuel filter every year. He said they're getting so many more injector problems than they used to. I also have the good quality fuel system cleaner done every 30,000 miles. I had an injector replaced once. Now I do more preventitive maintenance.How important is fuel filter change?fuel filters do get dirty...
and there very easy to replace and do need replacing.How important is fuel filter change?Yes you need to get one. Even if the gas is perfect theres a chance of getting something in your tank just when you pump your gas. If the pump has a piece of sand on it and you place the pump in the gas tank. Then theres a piece of sand in your filter.How important is fuel filter change?I usually change mine about every six months. It probably doesn't need it that often but I like to make sure it stays clean. Really the only time you have to change it is when you feel your car lagging or it feels like you don't have as much power as you usually do.How important is fuel filter change?REALLY, it ads life to your care and improves fuel economy and powerHow important is fuel filter change?mid stream of pumping stop and let a drop or two come out look at the color.How important is fuel filter change?Once your fuel filter gets dirty you're car won't run correctly. There usually is some amount of trash in gas and over time it accumulates in your gas tank.How important is fuel filter change?The fuel filter being changed is very important. A dirty filter is a non-working filter; meaning dirt (imagine all the old gunk that has built up being pushed through)is getting through. As far as the quality of gas, there are some gas stations around here that water down their gas (they do this and lower their gas prices). This watered down gas burns very VERY fast. Not everyone has good quality.How important is fuel filter change?I use to be a mechanic we would see cars that never changed them and all of a sudden they wanted it changed. Well when you wait a while to change it then do it there is a chance your pump may go out. The reason for it to go out is it is use to working harder then you change your filter, it is use to the hard work so it keeps pumping hard then burns out.How important is fuel filter change?It is as important as your air, oil or any other item that improves the performance of your vehicle will in turn add to it's longevity and to your safety.
we pressume it is a good quality, is it?How important is fuel filter change?AL fuels sold in the USA have to meet minimum requirement so gas stations don't sell bad gas. (Another example of one of those %26quot;ridiculous government regulations.) Most stations get their fuel at the same place. The difference is the additive package that is put into the tank before the tanker gets to the fuel depot. However, there are, and always will be, bits of things in the tanks. It gets there from opening the lid when the fuel is delivered, things coming loose in the holding tanks, water condensation inside the tanks, and whatever gets into your own fuel tank in your vehicle. The job of the filter is to strain this out before it gets to your injectors or carburetor and clog things up. After a while your filter gets full of this stuff and gets clogged up. Your engine gets starved for fuel and your vehicle starts pinging and getting worse gas mileage. Finally your engine won't run and your fuel pump ends up burning out. If you change your fuel filter periodically you end up saving not only gas, but also costly repairs.How important is fuel filter change?I have a GM mechanic friend who tells me to replace the fuel filter every year. He said they're getting so many more injector problems than they used to. I also have the good quality fuel system cleaner done every 30,000 miles. I had an injector replaced once. Now I do more preventitive maintenance.How important is fuel filter change?fuel filters do get dirty...
and there very easy to replace and do need replacing.How important is fuel filter change?Yes you need to get one. Even if the gas is perfect theres a chance of getting something in your tank just when you pump your gas. If the pump has a piece of sand on it and you place the pump in the gas tank. Then theres a piece of sand in your filter.How important is fuel filter change?I usually change mine about every six months. It probably doesn't need it that often but I like to make sure it stays clean. Really the only time you have to change it is when you feel your car lagging or it feels like you don't have as much power as you usually do.How important is fuel filter change?REALLY, it ads life to your care and improves fuel economy and powerHow important is fuel filter change?mid stream of pumping stop and let a drop or two come out look at the color.How important is fuel filter change?Once your fuel filter gets dirty you're car won't run correctly. There usually is some amount of trash in gas and over time it accumulates in your gas tank.How important is fuel filter change?The fuel filter being changed is very important. A dirty filter is a non-working filter; meaning dirt (imagine all the old gunk that has built up being pushed through)is getting through. As far as the quality of gas, there are some gas stations around here that water down their gas (they do this and lower their gas prices). This watered down gas burns very VERY fast. Not everyone has good quality.How important is fuel filter change?I use to be a mechanic we would see cars that never changed them and all of a sudden they wanted it changed. Well when you wait a while to change it then do it there is a chance your pump may go out. The reason for it to go out is it is use to working harder then you change your filter, it is use to the hard work so it keeps pumping hard then burns out.How important is fuel filter change?It is as important as your air, oil or any other item that improves the performance of your vehicle will in turn add to it's longevity and to your safety.
How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?
how much should i expect to pay for this service to a grand caravan. does the gas tank have to come completely off from vehicle? ...just wondering!How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?No tank removal necessary...It,s mounted on the frame //How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?less then 1 its bolted under the car no tank removal neededHow many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?Probably less than one hour. Unless lines are rusted. Then more time should be allowed.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?nope the filter is probably about $7 maybe less and its located under your van most likely. you dont have to drop the tank to replace it. if its not to expensive for you just change it like every 20k miles or whatever you think in comfortable. change it more often if your the kind of person that runs there tank on empty
:PHow many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?i don't know about the caravan but the ones i've seen is like 15 minutes. just lift the car go under it, remove 2 bolts put the new one and screw them again.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?make them show you where the fuel filter is located. It should be close to where the fuel line goes into the throttle body under the hood, or along the inside the frame rail between the axles. One hour max either way. Is this from your Dodge dealer? Talk to the service manager and make him show you, in the repair manual, where it is located. This is why women get ripped off, and I hate it.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?what year caravan unless i am wrong it is not in tank it mounted next to tank underneath. and labor time is 1\2 hr but you should do it yourself its very easy if need how to help email me with style of filter is it quick connects at ends or fittings its places like that that give Good Honest Mech a bad rep.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?The rest are close but I think I can narrow it down a little for you. It takes about 15 minutes and stay away from whoever told you that they have to drop the tank to replace the filter. There is only one model I know of where they put the filter in the tank but it isn't yours.As far as how much goes it all depends on where you take it I normally get around $25.00 for a filter changeHow many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?the fuel filter is a 15 minute job charged as aprx 1 hr depending on the shop but some can bill by the half hour. are you refering to the fuel pump? this is totally different and can be a few hours depending on if you are full of fuel etc.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?If they cant do it in 30 minutes they spend too much time reading and looking at the pictures, so figure 1 hour standard fee.
:PHow many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?i don't know about the caravan but the ones i've seen is like 15 minutes. just lift the car go under it, remove 2 bolts put the new one and screw them again.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?make them show you where the fuel filter is located. It should be close to where the fuel line goes into the throttle body under the hood, or along the inside the frame rail between the axles. One hour max either way. Is this from your Dodge dealer? Talk to the service manager and make him show you, in the repair manual, where it is located. This is why women get ripped off, and I hate it.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?what year caravan unless i am wrong it is not in tank it mounted next to tank underneath. and labor time is 1\2 hr but you should do it yourself its very easy if need how to help email me with style of filter is it quick connects at ends or fittings its places like that that give Good Honest Mech a bad rep.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?The rest are close but I think I can narrow it down a little for you. It takes about 15 minutes and stay away from whoever told you that they have to drop the tank to replace the filter. There is only one model I know of where they put the filter in the tank but it isn't yours.As far as how much goes it all depends on where you take it I normally get around $25.00 for a filter changeHow many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?the fuel filter is a 15 minute job charged as aprx 1 hr depending on the shop but some can bill by the half hour. are you refering to the fuel pump? this is totally different and can be a few hours depending on if you are full of fuel etc.How many hours work should it take for a fuel filter replacement? just comparing quotes....?If they cant do it in 30 minutes they spend too much time reading and looking at the pictures, so figure 1 hour standard fee.
How do you change the fuel filter on a 1997 Buick Skylark?
Does anyone know of a website where I could find this information...or does anyone know how to do this? All help is appreciated. Thanks!!How do you change the fuel filter on a 1997 Buick Skylark?on a 97 you might have those quick connects which auto zone has the tool to remove them but if your car is like my 88 oldsmobile then all you need is a line wrench to unscrew the lines on both ends and off comes the filter but make sure you release the pressure from the tank first.
Is it easy to replace the fuel filter on a VW Jetta 2.5?
I purchased my car back in June with 27k miles on it. Currently it has about 46k miles on it, so needless to say, I do a lot of driving compared to the average driver. I recently read that you should replace your fuel filter every 15k miles. If possible, I would like to do it myself to save money, so I was wondering is this a difficult thing to do and where would I find out how to do it?
Thank you!Is it easy to replace the fuel filter on a VW Jetta 2.5?It is very easy. The filter is usually on the very left or right side of the car towards the middle of the undercarriage. You can usually see it just by sticking your head under the car and looking but you may have to jack it up a little bit. The filter is usually about the size of soda can depending on your car, but it will have one fuel line coming in the back and one going out the front of it. There is a procedure for most cars to relieve the fuel line pressure but honestly it is a waste of time to me as you always get some fuel spilled on the ground. Just make sure you have waited a few hours for the pressure to relieve itself. I strongly recommend changing it before you drive first thing in the morning. Anyway the filter will have either plastic clips or metal nuts that screw the fuel lines into the filter. Just take the right wrench or a screw driver to pop the clips of the filter. If they are plastic clips don't worry about breaking them as the new filter will have new clips on it. Take the clamp off that holds the filter to the car and replace it with the new filter in the opposite order. After you replace it turn the ignition key on and off(DON'T start the car though) a few times to build the fuel pressure back up in the fuel line, then start it up. That's it! MAKE SURE you where some gloves and some safety glasses so you don't get fuel on your hands or in your EYES! Good luckIs it easy to replace the fuel filter on a VW Jetta 2.5?Easy... Just take it to the dealer!Is it easy to replace the fuel filter on a VW Jetta 2.5?this is a fairly simple process.
1. Detach the fuel pump relay- in the fusebox under your dash, it's the twelfth relay- the one on the very right in the bottom.
2. Detach the negative wire of the battery (if you have an original stereo, make sure you have the code because otherwise it will be blocked)
3. Try to start the car. Crank it several times if you need to until you can't start the engine
4. Raise the rear of the car and remove the wheel that is closest to the filter (the right one usually)
5. Detach the bolts that hold the fuel filter (or the plastic harness it may be in)
6. Note the position of the filter and mark the in and out hoses of the filter.
7. Loosen the clamps on the hoses and pull the hoses out gently, holding the filter horizontally to prevent the left over fuel from spilling.
8. Put everything back together, tighten all bolts, put the wheel back, lower the car, connect the relay, the battery and start the car :) It may take a couple of cranks at first.
Thank you!Is it easy to replace the fuel filter on a VW Jetta 2.5?It is very easy. The filter is usually on the very left or right side of the car towards the middle of the undercarriage. You can usually see it just by sticking your head under the car and looking but you may have to jack it up a little bit. The filter is usually about the size of soda can depending on your car, but it will have one fuel line coming in the back and one going out the front of it. There is a procedure for most cars to relieve the fuel line pressure but honestly it is a waste of time to me as you always get some fuel spilled on the ground. Just make sure you have waited a few hours for the pressure to relieve itself. I strongly recommend changing it before you drive first thing in the morning. Anyway the filter will have either plastic clips or metal nuts that screw the fuel lines into the filter. Just take the right wrench or a screw driver to pop the clips of the filter. If they are plastic clips don't worry about breaking them as the new filter will have new clips on it. Take the clamp off that holds the filter to the car and replace it with the new filter in the opposite order. After you replace it turn the ignition key on and off(DON'T start the car though) a few times to build the fuel pressure back up in the fuel line, then start it up. That's it! MAKE SURE you where some gloves and some safety glasses so you don't get fuel on your hands or in your EYES! Good luckIs it easy to replace the fuel filter on a VW Jetta 2.5?Easy... Just take it to the dealer!Is it easy to replace the fuel filter on a VW Jetta 2.5?this is a fairly simple process.
1. Detach the fuel pump relay- in the fusebox under your dash, it's the twelfth relay- the one on the very right in the bottom.
2. Detach the negative wire of the battery (if you have an original stereo, make sure you have the code because otherwise it will be blocked)
3. Try to start the car. Crank it several times if you need to until you can't start the engine
4. Raise the rear of the car and remove the wheel that is closest to the filter (the right one usually)
5. Detach the bolts that hold the fuel filter (or the plastic harness it may be in)
6. Note the position of the filter and mark the in and out hoses of the filter.
7. Loosen the clamps on the hoses and pull the hoses out gently, holding the filter horizontally to prevent the left over fuel from spilling.
8. Put everything back together, tighten all bolts, put the wheel back, lower the car, connect the relay, the battery and start the car :) It may take a couple of cranks at first.
How do you remove the connections at each end of the fuel filter in order to change it out?
This is on a Ford F150 4.2L 6 cylinder 1997 modelHow do you remove the connections at each end of the fuel filter in order to change it out?2 wrenches on the one end and you can use a pair of needle nosed pliers on the other end with the tabs to squeeze together.How do you remove the connections at each end of the fuel filter in order to change it out? do you remove the connections at each end of the fuel filter in order to change it out?some fuel filters take a special tool but I think your f150 just has plastic clips that slide out diagonally you push the line on the filter a little bit then remove the clips some new filters come with clips so look at the new one 1st good luckwindows web server .net
I have a 98 mazda millenia, how much would it cost approximately to change the fuel filter?
fuel filter itself plus the labor, etc
thank youI have a 98 mazda millenia, how much would it cost approximately to change the fuel filter?the fuel filter is not more than $25 .u can change it urself if you know where it is some time its inside the hood or the botton on the side of the carI have a 98 mazda millenia, how much would it cost approximately to change the fuel filter?any where from 40-140 it just depends on the location and cost of the filterI have a 98 mazda millenia, how much would it cost approximately to change the fuel filter?take it to oli change center and ask for a free quote ! I would say no more than $60 Good Luck
thank youI have a 98 mazda millenia, how much would it cost approximately to change the fuel filter?the fuel filter is not more than $25 .u can change it urself if you know where it is some time its inside the hood or the botton on the side of the carI have a 98 mazda millenia, how much would it cost approximately to change the fuel filter?any where from 40-140 it just depends on the location and cost of the filterI have a 98 mazda millenia, how much would it cost approximately to change the fuel filter?take it to oli change center and ask for a free quote ! I would say no more than $60 Good Luck
I need specific instructions on how to change a fuel filter?
I have a 2002 Kia sedona and would like to change it myself.
Thanks in advance!!!I need specific instructions on how to change a fuel filter?
Those would be the locations the filter would be at.
You will need a special tool though, Goto a parts store and ask for a fuel filter removal tool. They make plastic ones, but I prefer the one that looks like scissors as it 4 sizes on it. Basically, look at those photos and you will see the a%26quot;bell%26quot; at the end of each line. You need to put this tool around the stem of the filter and wiggle it into the bell, then push forward (up against the filter) as you are pushing the tool into the bell, then pull the line off. Sounds hard but quite easy, slide the tool back with the bell end of the hose.
Do that for both ends!
As for putting it back on, be sure no orings slipped out. and just (without the tool) slide the hoses back on until you here them click, pull back just to make sure its sealed.
When you first release the line, go slowly as pressure will be built up in the line. let that blead off and then pull it off the rest of the way.
ANother way to relieve the pressure would be to look for the %26quot;shrader%26quot; valve (looks like the valve on your tire you put air into) on your motor, its the fuel rail that runs to your injectors.
Remove the cap and push in on the vale while keeping your face away. that will relieve the pressure in the gas line.
Hope this info helps
Thanks in advance!!!I need specific instructions on how to change a fuel filter?
Those would be the locations the filter would be at.
You will need a special tool though, Goto a parts store and ask for a fuel filter removal tool. They make plastic ones, but I prefer the one that looks like scissors as it 4 sizes on it. Basically, look at those photos and you will see the a%26quot;bell%26quot; at the end of each line. You need to put this tool around the stem of the filter and wiggle it into the bell, then push forward (up against the filter) as you are pushing the tool into the bell, then pull the line off. Sounds hard but quite easy, slide the tool back with the bell end of the hose.
Do that for both ends!
As for putting it back on, be sure no orings slipped out. and just (without the tool) slide the hoses back on until you here them click, pull back just to make sure its sealed.
When you first release the line, go slowly as pressure will be built up in the line. let that blead off and then pull it off the rest of the way.
ANother way to relieve the pressure would be to look for the %26quot;shrader%26quot; valve (looks like the valve on your tire you put air into) on your motor, its the fuel rail that runs to your injectors.
Remove the cap and push in on the vale while keeping your face away. that will relieve the pressure in the gas line.
Hope this info helps
How much should it cost at non-dealer shop in Texas to replace 4 plugs and the fuel filter in 2001 Toyota pu?
no more than $150 most of which will be labor charge and tax etc.How much should it cost at non-dealer shop in Texas to replace 4 plugs and the fuel filter in 2001 Toyota pu?$200.
How do you replace the fuel filter located on a Oldsmobile?
need to know where it isHow do you replace the fuel filter located on a Oldsmobile?the usually by the driver side on the rear tire..get under it and you can tell..then it takes a pair of channelsHow do you replace the fuel filter located on a Oldsmobile?What kind of Oldsmobile, year %26amp; modelHow do you replace the fuel filter located on a Oldsmobile?If it's an early model Olds with a carburetor, then the filter is on the fuel line in the carb. Fuel injected models usually have the filter underneath the car. Relieve the fuel pressure by pulling the fuse for the fuel pump and starting the car before you try and remove the filter. Good luck !How do you replace the fuel filter located on a Oldsmobile?It depends on what year the vehicle is, if it is a 94 or later the fuel filter is in the fuel tank with the fuel pump, if is 93 and earlier then it is on the frame rail right behing the driver seat and if it is carburated then it is just before the carb where the fuel line meets the carb.
1996 dodge caravan fuel filter location?
where is the fuel filter located on a 1996 dodge caravan and how difficult is it to change?1996 dodge caravan fuel filter location?Information can be found here with pictures and instructions: dodge caravan fuel filter location?The fuel filter is located above the fuel tank. You must loosen the tank straps and drop it down a couple of inches. There are two different fuel filters depending on wheelbase.1996 dodge caravan fuel filter location?Dodge didnot put seviceable fuel filters on their vehicles through some years including yours it is in the take and does not require routine maintenace only when or if you replace the fuel pump.1996 dodge caravan fuel filter location?its in the gas tank and does not require changing check your owner's maualWhy do little dogs shake drawing a circle dodge caravan fuel filter location?The fuel filter is located above the fuel tank. You must loosen the tank straps and drop it down a couple of inches. There are two different fuel filters depending on wheelbase.1996 dodge caravan fuel filter location?Dodge didnot put seviceable fuel filters on their vehicles through some years including yours it is in the take and does not require routine maintenace only when or if you replace the fuel pump.1996 dodge caravan fuel filter location?its in the gas tank and does not require changing check your owner's maual
Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?
I have a 96' Ford Escort. Its been having a problem that any time I'm not using that gas, either waiting at a light or just coasting down a road, it will cut out on me. I then have to re-start the car and hope that no one hits me in the process and it's a real pain in the butt. Anyhow, to try and solve the problem I've gotten a new air filter and an oil change. But it's still stalling on me. I've been told it might be the fuel filter by my friend but I don't know how much truth there is to that. Could it be the fuel filter? And if so how much does it cost to replace?Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?yes it could be something as simple as a fuel filter causing that too happen,have a computer scan done on it at auto zone to see if you have any trouble codes on it if you dont try changing the filter they cost about 15 bucks and that may solve your problem with it,sometimes its the simplest things that cause the biggest problems,good luck.Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?your welcome.
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Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?One of the biggest driveability problems the escorts had was that the fuel pump ground was at the negative terminal on the battery.When corroded or poorly connected at the ground terminal,at idle their was just enough resistance to cause the fuel pump to slow or stop and the engine would stall.Make sure that the battery terminals are clean and properly tightened and it may cure the problem.Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?if it was the fuel filter, you'd have more problems under accelleration than idling or coasting, because it obviously takes more gas to accell than to idle. (stopped up filter can't flow enough fuel). Sounds more like a stuck EGR valve or IAC. This problem requires a proper diagnoses, because there can be a number of things that can cause this problem. Good thing is, the diagnoses should not be that hard. Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?It could be a dirty fuel filter, If it hasn't been changed in the past year I would go ahead and change it. The injectors could be starving for fuel under their pressure demand. A filter from a parts store isn't more than ten bucks and it can be changed for a reasonably low price. Good luck. If the car idles rough as well it could be a dirty IAC valve.Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?typically, if you have a failing fuel filter, you will notice a problem over an rpm range under a load, not at idle. i would look some where else. it might be time for a major tune up( plugs and wires cap and rotor if your car is equipped with em.) if you do not have a check engine light on, that eliminates so many of the other possibilities. Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?Check the rubber hose for the PCV valve. It often develops a a crack or hole where it plugs into the intake manifold/throttle body. It's a common problem on Escorts.Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?yea, and you probaby need a tune up... plugs, cap, rotor and fuel filter . . total if you know someone who can do all these for you $50 bucksCould a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?It absolutely could be the fuel filter.Could a dirty fuel filter be whats causing my car to stall?yep, it sure can. if the gas filter is clogging up, it will shut your car down.Does anyone know how to change a fuel filter in a 1996 Crysler Sebring? Do you have to take the gas tank off?
How complicated is it for a novice car repairman?Does anyone know how to change a fuel filter in a 1996 Crysler Sebring? Do you have to take the gas tank off?No-the tank doesn't have to come out, but its a LOT easier on a lift thqn trying to do it on your back.Its on the frame rail by the tank.Does anyone know how to change a fuel filter in a 1996 Crysler Sebring? Do you have to take the gas tank off?it is under the vehicle, and under high pressure, you have to release the pressure before you remove the filter or you will end up with gas in your face, if you have never done it and do not have the tool to remove the filter -take it to a shop, for your own safety , if you think you can do it, dont smoke while you try to remove it,
How do you know when you need a new fuel filter on a honda accord?
When I stop my car and have my foot on the brake, but when I release the brake my car makes this noise like it's going to give out everytime I stop while I'm driving... What does that mean?How do you know when you need a new fuel filter on a honda accord?Could be a vaccum leak. The brakes on most cars are boosted by engine vaccum - a tube from the intake goes to a booster to make braking easier when the engine is running. If it happens when you apply or release the brake it may be that you have a leak in your vaccum hose or brake booster fault.
BTW you should change your fuel filter every 20,000km.
BTW you should change your fuel filter every 20,000km.
Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?
and how will I know if it needs to be replaced?Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?Finding a gas filter varies with the model.....most have them right after the gas tank while I have seen some right in the engine compartment......those on the exterior are round and are metallic while ones in engine compartment are clear glass or plastic.....
Follow gas tank lines underside of body till you see a cylinder about 2-3 inches in diameter....should have line in and out....newer models have 3 lines attached for vacuum.
Some people will %26quot;guesstimate%26quot; on when to change a fuel filter.
To achieve good gas mileage and keep dirt out of fuel the professionals or check online for your model/year car....sorry I have no websites at this time but they are out there. just type in search %26quot;fuel system maintenance%26quot;....go from there. In 10 minutes you will have an answer or in a half hour exactly what you the sites to your favorites for future reference even if it's spark plug gap.Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?alot of vehicles have a fuel filter inside the frame, sometimes where the drivers door is. follow the gas line from the tank and you may find it easy..should be replaced about 30,000 miles..good luckWhere is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?ok fuel filters cant be check, u go by miles and/or years, and to locate it follow the fuel line from the gas tank to the engine, they r usually located under the car by the gas tank or mounted on the firewall dont really know where on a cougar, i wish i could help u more but thats all i got!Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?left side under the car coming from fuel tank follow fuel lines until you see cylinder type canister that has a line going in and coming out . take clips off each end of canister-canister is fuel filter.pull lines off filter there will be a clamp holding fuel filter. loosen clamp until fuel filter comes out.blow in one end of filter if it is hard to blow through filter is plugged.if blows easy filter is fine.Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?In-line with the fuel system...Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?under the chassis by the framerail on the right side
Follow gas tank lines underside of body till you see a cylinder about 2-3 inches in diameter....should have line in and out....newer models have 3 lines attached for vacuum.
Some people will %26quot;guesstimate%26quot; on when to change a fuel filter.
To achieve good gas mileage and keep dirt out of fuel the professionals or check online for your model/year car....sorry I have no websites at this time but they are out there. just type in search %26quot;fuel system maintenance%26quot;....go from there. In 10 minutes you will have an answer or in a half hour exactly what you the sites to your favorites for future reference even if it's spark plug gap.Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?alot of vehicles have a fuel filter inside the frame, sometimes where the drivers door is. follow the gas line from the tank and you may find it easy..should be replaced about 30,000 miles..good luckWhere is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?ok fuel filters cant be check, u go by miles and/or years, and to locate it follow the fuel line from the gas tank to the engine, they r usually located under the car by the gas tank or mounted on the firewall dont really know where on a cougar, i wish i could help u more but thats all i got!Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?left side under the car coming from fuel tank follow fuel lines until you see cylinder type canister that has a line going in and coming out . take clips off each end of canister-canister is fuel filter.pull lines off filter there will be a clamp holding fuel filter. loosen clamp until fuel filter comes out.blow in one end of filter if it is hard to blow through filter is plugged.if blows easy filter is fine.Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?In-line with the fuel system...Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 1992 Mercury Cougar?under the chassis by the framerail on the right side
How do i change the fuel filter on a 00 altima?
i also heard that the intake manifold gasket is known to leak on this yr and modle.. is it hard to do ?How do i change the fuel filter on a 00 altima?get a manual or call dealershipHow do i change the fuel filter on a 00 altima?its under the car by the fuel hose intakehair pictures Blankets
How do I replace the fuel filter on a 99 Mitsubishi Mirage?
I know where it is, but I can't figure out how to get it out of the bracket. I called the service department at the local Mitsubishi dealer, and they said %26quot;Oh - I don't know. We don't replace them here.%26quot;How do I replace the fuel filter on a 99 Mitsubishi Mirage?i own a repair shop,and it should come out of the bracket,,i remember on one i actually took the bracket and filter out as an assembly to get it off,, after you remove the lines from it you may want to do the same thing,,Mitsubishi put there's in an odd place and with that bracket in the way it makes it hard to get them off,,good luck,i hope this help,s,,have a good x-mas.How do I replace the fuel filter on a 99 Mitsubishi Mirage?I have a 91 mirage, and it was a complete pain in the neck getting it off, it was easier and took less time for me to pull tank and fuel pump, Good luck!! oh, watch your knuckles!!!
How do you change a fuel filter in a diesel Ford F-350 Super Duty?
Jiffy Lube wants like $65, i'm guessing it's got to be fairly easy to do. Does anyone know how to do it and can you fill me in?How do you change a fuel filter in a diesel Ford F-350 Super Duty?The fuel filter is on top of the engine. Depending on the year model, it is either a screw on filter or a paper element inside a canister. If it is an older model, simply unscrew the old filter, fill the new one with fuel and screw it back on. If it's a newer model, it is located under a black cover on top of the engine that is held in place with a couple of nuts that will need to be removed. The filter housing has a 3%26quot; diameter black plastic cap on it. Unscrew the cap, remove the old filter and replace with a new one. Fill housing to top with fuel and screw cap back on.
That's it.How do you change a fuel filter in a diesel Ford F-350 Super Duty?When you buy the filter at the parts store the instructions come with it. I change mine every 10,000 miles because I use B20 bio diesel in my F350. The job is pretty easy, just messy.
That's it.How do you change a fuel filter in a diesel Ford F-350 Super Duty?When you buy the filter at the parts store the instructions come with it. I change mine every 10,000 miles because I use B20 bio diesel in my F350. The job is pretty easy, just messy.
How to install a fuel filter and air filter on a pocket bike?
this a very simple task with a little mechanical skill. if you have none ask around someone you know will be more than happy to show off there skills. to locate the fuel filter look under the gas tank, secure the gas flow and find the rubber hose attached to it. next follow it along to you find the fuel filter. it will most likely be held on by screw type clamps so loosen them up, and place a rag under it to catch any spilled fuel. now remove the filter and replace it with a new one, make sure you put it in exactly like the one you pulled out. there should be an arrow on it to help you decide which way the fuel flows. now tighten all hose clamps back up and you are done with that. now next the air filter will be a sinch. locate the carburetor by following the hose you were just working on. okay you should be able to see the air filter, just loosen up the hose clamp remove the filter and replace it with a new one. almost done now tighten the clamp, pickup your rags and, turn on your fuel to see if you have any leaks. tighten fuel filter as needed, and your ready to go tear it up.
How much gas will come out once the Fuel Filter is Pulled?
And how long does it take %26quot;SeaFoam%26quot; and %26quot;B12 ChemTool%26quot; to %26quot;Rejuvenate %26quot;Old bad Gas%26quot;... (whatever may be left in the line and such) -- Once it is put in, along with NEW Gas?
And does the Jaguar 4.2L I6 XJ6 like 89 or 93 Octane gas?How much gas will come out once the Fuel Filter is Pulled?It depends on the power of the Vacuum used.How much gas will come out once the Fuel Filter is Pulled?You do know you're supposed to pull the fuel pump fuse with the car running to purge the gas from the system right?!? A relatively small amount of fuel should come out but get an oil pan underneath. Seafoam and chemtool pretty much will work within 30 seconds...and you will SEE things you don't want to see coming out of your exhaust.
Use Chevron Premium if you can find it. Anything with a 6 cylinder (even if it's inline) needs premium fuel.How much gas will come out once the Fuel Filter is Pulled?there won,t be that much gas come out of the lines if you let the pressure off the tank first.
And does the Jaguar 4.2L I6 XJ6 like 89 or 93 Octane gas?How much gas will come out once the Fuel Filter is Pulled?It depends on the power of the Vacuum used.How much gas will come out once the Fuel Filter is Pulled?You do know you're supposed to pull the fuel pump fuse with the car running to purge the gas from the system right?!? A relatively small amount of fuel should come out but get an oil pan underneath. Seafoam and chemtool pretty much will work within 30 seconds...and you will SEE things you don't want to see coming out of your exhaust.
Use Chevron Premium if you can find it. Anything with a 6 cylinder (even if it's inline) needs premium fuel.How much gas will come out once the Fuel Filter is Pulled?there won,t be that much gas come out of the lines if you let the pressure off the tank first.
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